10 Steps to Superior Health
- By:Laurence Magne
From the desk of Dr Magne, author with Wallace D. Wattles of The Science of Being Well Home Study Course
HOW WELL IS WELL? Perhaps you have never asked yourself this question.
Think about it a moment and doing so may start a train of thought which will carry you into a state of happiness you have not known before. When do you think of yourself as being well? When you are free from aches and pains? The questions which could be asked are many, but the big question is: Even if you are free from aches and pains and are able to do your regular work without exhaustion, is it possible for you to feel still better?
The sign of well-being is mental and physical vitality, when you can throw your entire enthusiastic self into anything you do whether work or play; when your mind is free from worry, because you accept the problems of the day as a challenge instead of approaching them with fear; when your heart is free from hatred because you have eyes which look only for the good in others; and when your todays are better than your yesterdays, and your tomorrows are looked forward to with joyous anticipation.
Following are ten simple steps for radiant mental and physical health, which are all you need to develop a health consciousness:
1. Have an incentive to want to be actively alive—on top of the world. We can do almost anything if we really want to. This applies to physical well-being as much as it does to anything else. We might go through the motions of doing things intended for better health, but, unless our actions are backed by a burning desire to succeed, we need not look for spectacular and glowing results.
Step 1, therefore, is to acquire an incentive—a valid reason for wanting every fiber of your being to effervesce with vibrant energy. Get an incentive which will give you a reason to want to be on top physically and mentally; then you will be in a position to get the maximum good from the steps which follow.
2. Know you CAN gain better health and live longer. The only people who have ever accomplished anything are those who knew they could. To approach any task with doubt in your mind about your ability to do it is a certain step toward failure.
Buoyant health is not something we acquire by luck. It is a reflection of the way we think and the way we live. Bodies which creak with aches and pains are not given to us by Fate as a punishment of some kind. We have them because of the way we live and think.
If, for years, you have been seeing yourself as one under par physically, it will take an effort to get yourself to the point where you know, beyond doubt, you can enjoy radiant health. Motion creates emotion, we learn, so, for a few days, hold to the thought: I CAN gain robust health. Of course, accepting the thought that you can gain better health is not enough. You must take the steps which will make better health a reality. In other words, the realization that good health is within your grasp must be brought into reality by action.
3. Get your mind in order. As you learned in the previous chapter, the word "psychosomatic" is now frequently heard in connection with illnesses of various kinds. Doctors are including many, many ailments in a long list of those which are originated in the mind. This fact does not mean that a psychosomatically sick person is insane; it merely means that most psychosomatic conditions result from fear and worry.
4. Learn the things you should and should not do! A sage once said: "Success comes from doing the things you know you ought to do, and not doing the things you know you ought not to do."
A plan of action should be conceived which would include activity on the things we should do, and discipline in avoiding the things we should not do. Naturally our program of action will include supervision over the food we eat.
5. Develop an ENTHUSIASM for carrying through; for putting into operation the plans which will insure radiant health.
6. Take years off of your life through your actions! Motion creates emotion. The men and women who make pals of their children and who enter into the activities of youth will remain young far longer than the parents who live like traditionally old-fashioned mothers and fathers.
We can't act young without feeling young, and when we feel young, we are putting the processes of Nature to work toward making us young.
7. Go on a mental diet. Discipline yourself to think in terms of health and happiness. Select reading matter which will encourage you to climb to greater heights.
Do not indulge in negative conversation. When writing letters, see how much encouragement you can give, instead of making them dissertations of woe.
The secret of happiness is not in doing the things you like to do, but in liking the things you have to do. The acceptance of this thought will be a forward step in your mental diet.