A tiny investment that will save your skin!

By:Stan Howard

When we think about the importance of water, most of us think
only about our drinking water. It's true that quality drinking water
is a very important component to our well being. However, what
about those steamy hot showers some of us like to take? Are the
effects of bacteria-killing chlorine in our water making our daily
showers safer or are we endangering our health?

A look at Skin

Remember in school how we would jokingly tell our classmates
that their epidermis was showing? We learned that the skin is the
body's largest organ. In fact, the skin is the largest eliminatory
organ in our body, helping us to get rid of toxins through

While most of us are familiar with this aspect of the skin, in recent
years, we've gained more understanding of the skin's role in
overall health. Our skin is a two-way organ. Along with eliminating
toxins, the skin absorbs and transports nutrients to various places
in the body. Liquids are absorbed through our hair follicles and
sebaceous glands. Every inch of your skin has about 65 hair
follicles, more than 600 sweat glands and approximately 100
sebaceous glands.

In the shower, your epidermis isn't only showing- it's absorbing-
every square inch of it. In fact, experts say that 60% of everything
you use on your skin gets absorbed into your circulation, from
water to lotions and other cosmetics.

Chlorinated Water and THMs

Since the early 1900's chlorine has been added to our water to get
rid of harmful bacteria. For over 25 years researchers have been
looking into chlorine and the by-products that chlorinated water
produces. While most studies have concentrated on drinking
water, more and more studies are pointing to the dangers of
showering with water that is highly chlorinated.

Why is absorbing chlorine through the skin thought to be so
dangerous? When you swallow water, you can count on the liver
to filter out many toxins- but when something gets absorbed
through your skin, it goes straight into the circulatory system.

Scientists have recently concluded that Trihalomethanes (THMs) --
by-products of chlorinated water -- are absorbed through the skin
and accumulate in the bladder. THMs have long been suspected of
increasing the risk of bladder cancer. Now, it seems suspicions are
being confirmed. What's more, Dr. Christina Villenueva, a leading
researcher in chlorine exposure, says that "Inhaling or absorbing
THMs may lead to a higher concentration in target organs, such as
the kidney, bladder and colon."

Much of the problem comes from inhaling the steam from a hot
shower -- but most of us don't enjoy taking a cold shower!

Not only does showering with chlorinated water appear to
increase the risks of bladder and other cancers- it can make you
look old. Most of us can attest to how it strips natural oils from our
skin and hair. Just ask any avid swimmer how damaging chlorine
can be to hair.

Shower Filters

A shower filter is becoming one of the best health investments you
can make. Here's why:

--The best shower filters --particularly those utilizing vitamin C --
will remove 99% of the chlorine from the water before it touches
your skin.

--They are easy to install and are effective at high temperatures.

--Without chlorine in the water, soaps and shampoos lather up
much better.

Many who've suffered from dry, flaking and itchy skin, notice
immediate relief after showering with a filter. And many more find
that color-treated hair fades more slowly.

Luckily, you don't have to give up those hot steamy showers, after
all. (That goes for singing in the shower, too!)

About the author:
Stan Howard is a researcher with Best Water, water purification specialists. For an independent review of the leading shower filters on the market, go to:
Shower Filter Comparison/a>