Almighty Cleanse Colon Cleansing Treatment. Does it work?
- By:Chris Schaller
Almighty Cleanse™ is a colon cleansing treatment taken for a 7 day period, once every 3 months that will remove waste, accumulated layers of musen and built up fecal matter from the colon. With the pollutants removed from your system, The Almighty Cleanse™ will leave you feeling refreshed, vibrant, healthier and more energetic than you have had in a while. People do not enjoy talking about constipation, but when you considerfolks could be carrying between 5 and 22 pounds of waste material in their intestines. 2.5 million people in the united states visit the doctor each year due to constipation, and 92,000 individuals are hospitalized annuallydue to constipation, we can understand, this is a major problem.
Constipation is something we have all dealt with in the past or are having issues with right now. Unhealthy eating habits, overeating, and the fact that Americans eat a diet of 25% junk food, theyare packed with excess waste material. People don't realize that a lack of good fibrous foods and bad eating habits can cause an encrustation in their digestive tract over their lifetime. This is fecal matter building up on the intestinal walls over time. These are some of the major causes of intestinal problems, constipation and other colorectal and digestive tract problems suffered by many people today.
The medical profession opinion, "the national digestive disease information clearing house", says that you should be having bowel movements 3 times a day, to 3 times a week and this is believed to be normal. There are medical doctors that say there is no reason we need to have a bowel movement every day and define constipation as having only 2 or less bowel movements a week. That means you can eat 21 meals in a week, have 3 bowel movements in a week, be 18 meals short of evacuation and still be called normal by the medical profession.
The natural medicine community says that you should be having 3 bowel movements daily. Natural healers have traveled the globe and found that folks that ate primarily produce, foods with high fiber. That they will go the bathroom, 3 to 4 times daily. If you are having 3 to 4 a week, the the medical community believe it is acceptable, yet we have the highest rate of colorectal disease in the world.
Part of the colon's physiology is to absorb the final remnants of vitamins and nutrients, also to absorb water for the many functions of the body.If you have rotted, putrid, smelly feces inside you, you don't have a regular bowel movement, maybe 3 a week, and here the function of the colon is to take water into the body. What condition do you believe that water is in if you have a problem like this. It is polluted, loaded with bacteria and poisonous to your system.
When we eat highly acidic foods like meats, cheeses, and saturated fats, the digestive tract produces a mucus or surface musen to prevent the acids from penetrating the intestinal walls and flowing throughout the body. If you are not eating enough fiber and constantly eating the meats and cheeses. This causes a accumulation of the mucus over time along with excess waste materials impacting the colon.
The Almighty Cleanse™ is a completely natural formula, made with natural ingredients like flax seed, aloe and senna. Almighty Cleanse™ is gentle and effective, and because it is so concentrated, you need only seven days every season to keep your colon cleansed. Almighty Cleanse™ will get your bowels moving and remove all the impurities. Clean out your colon and watch a myriad of health conditions clear up.You are going to feel healthier more energetic than you have felt in a long time.About the author:
Ashton Bishop is a health enthusiast and researches and writes about health related topic. Ashton recommends the Allmighty Cleanse as the safest most effective way to have a colon cleanse.