Aloe Vera
- By:Juliet Cohen
Aloe a houseplant has many benefits in human life. Aloe vera is a species of Aloe. There are about a lot of aloe vera species exist. Aloe vera mostly looks like a cactus and it belongs to a lily or onion family which is usually found in the African continent. Aloe vera is most impressive herbs. Aloe vera widely used in health care products. Aloe vera also plays important role in beauty industry. Nowadays lot of aloe vera products are available in market such as wound healing creams, cleansers, moisturizers, aloe vera health drinks, aloe vera gel and many more health care & beauty products. Aloe vera use in both naturally as well as in medically treatment.
Aloe vera gel has been used generally to treat different skin conditions like burns, cuts, eczema, dry skin and many skin diseases. Aloe vera also found effectively in treatment of stretch skin, pigmentation and wrinkles. Also aloe vera has good result for wound healing, anti oxidant, antibacterial and some other properties. Study suggested that wounds takes less time to cover up if wound was treated on a regular basis with aloe vera gel. Aloe vera found helpful to boost immune system function and destroying cancer tumors.
In beauty industry, cosmetic companies add liquid; gel or other derivatives to beauty products like make up soap, shampoos, lotions, moisturizers, toners and cleansers. Aloe vera beneficial properties may be present in inner gel of the plant leaf.
Aloe vera juice is used as tonic for curing diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis and arthritis. Diabetes is likely to benefit powerfully from aloe vera’s blood enhancements
Aloe may helps to ease your body pain, muscles pain and reduce inflammation if you takes the essential aloe vera supplements in your diet. But you should keep in mind, to get rid of all your inflammation with aloe alone, drop pro-inflammatory diet (milk, meat, sugar, fried food etc.) Use of it also good for care of athletes foot.
Aloe vera products uses for animal treatments also. But they can be obtained through a veterinary doctor. It has been approved that it can be use for the treatment of fibrosarcoma (a type of cancer) in cats and dogs.
If you have never used it before, be sure to take in small amount at first time. If you take aloe in large amount at time it could be harmful for you. So we advise that meet with your doctor first.About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles for skin care tips and skin care treatment. For more information visit our skin care section.