Amazing New Technology Tests How Healthy You Are!

By:scott worswick

Can you believe it finally after all these years of taking Multi-Vitamin supplements someone has developed a way to scientifically measure whether your supplements are working or not. Regardless if you are aware or not; your body is at war from the day you are born to the day you pass away, from Free Radicals the bad guys and Antioxidants the good guys.

We are all bombarded with free radicals that actually destroy tissue and our DNA and are in fact directly proportional to how long we will live and is in fact our aging process. Now the antioxidants are our protection against these free radicals and the higher our number of anti-oxidants the better our health will be, by preventing some of the serious diseases associated with age. They also delay the aging process, so for all those people looking to stay fitter, younger and healthier later in life, you need to know what your levels of antioxidants are.

Welcome to the Pharmanex Bio Photonic Scanner a brilliant invention using work developed in the 1920’s by a Noble Prize winning Scientist Dr Raman who discovered that by shinning a low power laser you could measure the amount of carotenoids in the human body. Unfortunately the technology at that time was not able to produce a machine that could be used for this purpose, enter the University of Utah with the help of Dr Werner Gellerman a team of scientists over the last 10 years have now come up with the innovative Pharmanex Bio Photonic Scanner. A piece of technology that can now non invasively measure the amount of carotenoids in your body, giving you for the fist time your SCS Skin Carotenoid Score what does this score mean, well it is a measurement of the carotenoid antioxidants in your skin.

There are various ranges within the SCS that can tell you how good or bad you current level of protection is, sadly during extensive tests most people around the world have scores that are well below the level to prevent diseases later in life, below the RDA levels and if the score is not raised your lifespan will be reduced.

This technology is probably the greatest invention that has ever been developed within the Nutrition business now you no longer have to guess whether your diet or vitamins are working for you. You can scientifically test your own levels and then be able to do something about it.

About the author:
Scott Worswick is an Englishman living in the Philippines with a background in Business Ownership and Direct Sales in the UK, currently owner of Aquaculture Farm and Pharmanex
Distributor here in the Philippines.

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