An other Way to Rome

By:Bob Taylor Taylor

If I hadn’t been seriously injured, it would not have even occurred to me to try an other way leading to Rome – following balanced body Pilates.
But when I was injured in a car crash, my usual exercise routine crumbled. My whole body was stiff and sore, and I couldn't seem to exercise with any endurance anymore. I tried balanced body Pilates on a whim. One of my friends had a similar problem several years ago. She was hit by a passing bus and knocked down pretty hard. She told me that doing fitness Pilates classes had changed her life. It is the only reason, she claims, why she can still walk at the age of 50. I figured that I had nothing to lose. I was unhappy with how my life was, and the balanced body Pilates classes might just help. If they did not, I would only be out a hundred dollars.

I used to think that Pilates exercises were a waste of time. It seemed so gimmicky to me. I had always stayed fit, after all, and had done it without any of those silly exercise trends. I just played sports. I shot hoops, I jogged a little bit, and I played football on the weekends with my buddies.

I was fortunate enough to live right by a Pilates studio. In the town where I live, there are not that many exercise places. It is a pretty meat and potatoes neighborhood, and so finding a balanced body Pilates class is pretty rare. I think I live next to the only one in the city. The first time I went there, I almost walked right out again. There were Pilates balance balls and all kinds of other silly looking equipment that seemed to have no place in an exercise class. All of the people in the balanced body Pilates class were housewives except for me. I felt like I didn't fit in, and like the course definitely wasn't for me.

I am so glad that I decided to stay. Almost as soon as the balanced body pilates started, I felt a little bit better. The whole thing was engineered to help the body develop the proper postures and the necessary strength and flexibility for healthy living. Now that I feel better, I do not go as much, but I know that if I am ever injured again, it is balanced body Pilates for me! The balanced body Pilates helped me to make a quick and full recovery.

About the author:
Believing in good balanced diet, taking vitamins and minerals. Daily exercise, yoga, stretching, breathing exercises, drinking enough water, meditation, relaxation, positive thinking, and trying to be happy.