An ozone generator for increasing indoor air quality

By:David Yuri

How often do you feel the need for a breath of fresh air? If this need appears more frequently than just the occasional necessity of escaping outdoors for a brief reprieve, it means that something in the indoor environment in which you spend most of your time is not quite right. Why do most of us leave our windows open whenever possible? Of course, we do it to allow fresh air to purify the indoor environment. When we have fresh air, we feel more comfortable and literally more alive. The conditions surrounding us have a great impact on our general well-being.

Outdoors, Ozone is nature’s air purifier. What happens in closed rooms or buildings? For all practical purposes, indoor areas lack ozone and that allows odors and bacteria to thrive. Odors from food, pets, rugs, mildew, furniture and cigarette smoke all negatively impact indoor air quality. In addition, toxins present in cigarette smoke can irritate our lungs, even if we are only passive smokers. However, injecting ozone into the air even in small amounts can provide the benefit of fresh air you need so much. Ozone generators are now available that allow you to create nature’s fresh air inside your home or office.

In addition to killing odors, an ozone machine will deal with indoor mold as well. Indeed, you have found the indoor mold solution you have been searching for such a long time. Indoor mold finds its shelter most frequently in damp places, such as basements, wet carpets or bathrooms. All of these can result from improper ventilation combined with moisture. Mold and mold toxins present a serious health problem particularly to children and more sensitive individuals. For instance, such conditions include sinusitis, exhaustion, nose sensitivity, and allergic responses. Other people report flue like symptoms, depression and respiratory disorders. You can prevent the development of such health conditions by using an ozone generator to remove these mold toxins from the air. Killing airborne mold is not easy, so be sure to select an ozone generator with a high ozone output of at least 1000 mgph to be safe.

It is important to understand that Ozone, in high concentrations, is not safe for humans to breathe. It can cause sore throats, irritated nasal passages, and even distress to the lungs. It is similar to other valuable gasses in that regard such as chlorine and fluorine. Therefore an ozone generator must only be operated on its low settings when a room is occupied so that the concentration of ozone does not exceed the safe level. Running an ozone machine when a space is unoccupied is often the safest and most effective means of improving its indoor air quality. It can be operated on its high settings where it is most efficient and if it is shut off an hour or so before the room is reoccupied all the ozone will have turned back into healthy oxygen.

The point is that prevention with an ozone generator will always be preferable to the treatment of the potential disorders. Why should you suffer from a sore throat, for instance, if you can prevent such a thing by purchasing and setting up an ozone machine that will produce the ozone necessary to purify the atmosphere? In fact, poor indoor air quality contributes to the multiplication of the factors that trigger the majority of disorders. Consider the fact that an ozone machine is cheaper than the actual costs of treating medically such health conditions.

There are other methods of effectively cleaning the indoor air such as installing powerful ventilating systems. These do a great job of replacing the indoor air regularly with filtered air from outside. They tend to be very noisy and the filters need to be cleaned or replaced on a regular basis or their efficiency drops off drastically. The filters fill up with bacteria, toxins and odors and can become an environmental issue, as they need to be safely removed and disposed of properly.

An ozone generator from a reputable manufacturer will last for years and years with very little maintenance. So take the step now towards a cleaner healthier indoor air environment.

About the author:
With an ozone machine, you will be benefiting from mold and smoke-free indoor environment. An ozone generator is the perfect tool for securing comfortable and healthy conditions for your employees and / or family members.