Anti-dandruff shampoos--which ones work, which are toxic, and how to choose a go

By:Mia Wadsworth

If you’re sick and tired of scratching your dry scalp or itchy scalp until it’s red, raw and burning, then you need to know that one of the worst
things you can do is run right out and buy an off-the-shelf dandruff shampoo.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but anti-dandruff shampoos often contain "masking chemicals" to stop flaking. This means they don’t
address the cause. Some are anti-fungal, which is good if you have a fungal infection of the scalp.
But the problem with masking symptoms is that you never treat the underlying problem. It’s like mowing weeds—your yard looks nice
temporarily, but those weeds will just come right back up next week and you’ll still have problems.

Then there’s the little known scientifically proven fact that many of the anti dandruff shampoos we use actually contain the very ingedients
that have been shown to cause itchy flaky scalp or dry scalp conditions & rashes in the first place.

Now for the good news… there are many natural alternatives to the chemical anti dandruff active ingredients which can aggravate your scalp
which natural shampoo manufacturers use in their shampoos. There are many which are just as good for getting rid of your dandruff with none
of the side effects that can come from using shampoos. Some of these side effects come from exposure to irritating ingredients such as oil
stripping degreaser based cleansers like they use in garages. Yes really! The original cause of your dandruff might just have been
under your nose the whole time.
So what are the natural dandruff treatment ingredients that “blow away” the synthetic competition so to speak:
Here are just a few to get you started.
Salycylic Acid: This is a really common one added to anti dandruff shampoos. It if foung naturally in willow bark (in some organic
shampoos). It’s great for killing bacteria - problem is the synthetic version can cause irritation making dandruff worse. So go for
the natural version or a melaleuca oil based shampoo (more on that soon).

Zinc Pyrithione: First synthesized in the 1930's, this is the most widely used active ingredient from a natural source. It’s used
to treat dandruff and numerous other skin and scalp disorders. It has strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

Tea Tree Oil: This is one of the strongest known natural antiseptics. It also has skin penetrating capacity as an
anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, germicide and fungicide. The scientific name for it is Melaleuca Alternifolia. Got fungal
infection? Get Tea tree oil or a tea tree oil shampoo. Here are many around that pack a powerful dandruff fighting punch.

New Zealand Manuka: Amazingly, this stuff is even stronger than Tea Tree Oil. It’s antibacterial properties are at least 5
times more potent than Melaleuca Oil. It gives a high level of antimicrobial activity, particularly against gram positive organisms such as
staphylococcus and streptococcus. It also has a wide range of antifungal activity. Leptospermum Scoparium is the scientific name for this

Guava: Guava is an herbal analgesic. It’s also anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic. If you’ve scratched your
itchy dry scalp until it hurts, this is what you need.

Wild Cherry: You may have heard of this as a cough syrup flavoring, but this has been used for years as a natural root bark extract
astringent. It’s wonderful for keep your pores tight and closed, even if you have scalp inflammation.

Chamomile: A natural herbal anti-inflammatory. Makes a sothing and calming tea, too, if you’re upset about your scalp
sores or scalp lesions.

Horsetail: This baby is a positive herbal storehouse of vitamins and minerals, and revitalizing properties. If you want to give your
dry, itchy scalp a makeover, this is the stuff.

Nettle: If you’ve got scalp inflammation, this is the one you want. It’s an herbal anti-inflamatory, anti-histamine, and it’s rich in

Aloe Barbabenis: If you’ve got scalp lesions or scalp sores, you’ll want to try this wonderful item, which is a natural anti-irritant.

Neem Oil: Neem ought to be named “neat” for all the stuff it does. It’s derived from a type of tree bark. Neem is an effective
fungicide and insecticide (great for head lice when used with geranium, rosemary, lavender and eucalyptus oils). As for the scent…well, it
packs quite a punch, but you simply can’t beat Neem for effectiveness. If you’ve got itchy scalp , neem is what you need.In clinical
studies Neem extracts and oil were found to be as effective as coal tar and cortisone in treating psoriasis with none of the usual side effects