Antibiotics as a Cure for Stomach Ulcer

By:groshan fabiola

Stomach ulcer refers to open lesions and ulcerations at the level of the stomach. Statistics indicate that more than two percent of the people in the United States are diagnosed with stomach ulcer each year and it is estimated that around eight to ten percent of these people are at risk of developing various other forms of ulcer over the years. In the United States there are approximately half a million annual cases of stomach ulcer. The disorder has the highest incidence in the male gender, and it predominantly affects people with ages over 50.

Stomach ulcer is considered to be a serious disorder. In the absence of medical treatment, stomach ulcer can lead to complications such as stomach perforation and internal bleeding. There are many forms of treatment for stomach ulcer in present. However, the problem with most medications is that they only provide temporary symptomatic relief, allowing the disorder to reoccur soon after completing the prescribed medical treatment.

Stomach ulcer is a digestive disorder that occurs due to physiological abnormalities (poor stomach production of bicarbonate, poor integrity of the stomach’s mucosal protective cover, inappropriate mucosal blood flow, overproduction of pepsin and gastric acid) and infection with bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. Although these bacteria are known to be a major cause of stomach ulcer, most doctors neglect this aspect and only prescribe medications for normalizing the stomach’s production of digestive fluids. Although antacids and other medications commonly used in the treatment for stomach ulcer can keep the disorder under control, they can’t overcome the ulcer completely. Unless the treatment with antacids is followed on a regular basis, the symptoms of stomach ulcer are very likely to reoccur.

One of the most common medications used in the treatment for stomach ulcer is Tagamet. This ulcer drug acts by reducing the levels of gastric acid and pepsin inside the stomach. The problem with Tagamet and other antacids is that they only provide short-term effects. Most people affected by stomach ulcer experience a relapse of the disorder soon after interrupting the treatment with Tagamet.

Since the underlying cause of stomach ulcer is infection with Helicobacter pylori, people with the disorder should also receive a medical treatment with antibiotics. Research results indicate that people with stomach ulcer who have been prescribed a course of antibiotics such as amoxicillin or penicillin have experienced a considerable amelioration of their ulcer. In addition, most people with stomach ulcer who have followed treatments with antibiotics have been permanently cured. Unlike antacids, antibiotics can provide long-term effects for people affected by stomach ulcer, thus minimizing the chances of relapse.

A two-week course of amoxicillin is usually sufficient for overcoming the infection with Helicobacter pylori. Corroborated with antacids, antibiotic treatments can successfully cure stomach ulcers, minimizing the chances of relapse.

About the author:
If you want to find great information on different ulcer subjects check out this links. You can find great content regarding peptic ulcer, gastric ulcer and many more.