Are Chiropractors Able to Cure Fibromyalgia?
- By:groshan fabiola
Fibromyalgia is a common neurological chronic disorder that primarily generates recidivating pain in the muscles and interconnected soft tissues such as tendons and ligaments. Statistics indicate that more than 3.7 million people in the United States are affected by fibromyalgia and despite scientists’ ongoing efforts to identify the factors that lead to the occurrence of the disorder, the specific causes of fibromyalgia remain unknown.
The opinions on the possible causes of fibromyalgia are various and in most cases, unfunded. Most medical scientists believe that the disorder is caused by certain acquired brain dysfunctions that determine an increase in the activity of the nervous system, considering that fibromyalgia is the result of an abnormally high nervous excitability of the body. Other scientists attribute genetic factors a major role in the development of fibromyalgia, considering that the disorder occurs only on the premises of genetic abnormalities. Another interesting theory suggests that fibromyalgia might be caused by previously suffered surgical interventions or by physical traumas.
Although there is no effective cure for fibromyalgia in present, scientists have tried many different approaches in their attempt to provide permanent relief for the symptoms generated by the disorder. Some medical scientists even believe that fibromyalgia can be overcome through the means of chiropractic treatments. They claim that the disorder is actually a form of stenosis that occurs in the upper regions of the spinal cord. In their opinion, the multitude of symptoms generated by fibromyalgia is caused by mechanical pressure exercised upon the meninges. Although fibromyalgia is considered to be incurable, some chiropractors claim that the disorder can be effectively overcome with the help of chiropractic treatments.
The chiropractors that have developed this new form of treatment for fibromyalgia claim that by correcting the physical abnormalities of the upper cervical region of the spinal cord, they are able to completely cure people with this type of disorder. The procedure involves repositioning the first vertebrae so that it no longer presses against the meninges. Chiropractors sustain that their treatment for fibromyalgia involves very few risks and provides immediate results. They also claim that the new chiropractic procedure has successfully cured 95 percent of the patients that suffered the medical intervention.
Although it is hard to believe that fibromyalgia can be successfully cured through the means of chiropractic treatments, this new approach in the medical treatment for the disorder brings hope for patients who have tried virtually everything in their attempt to overcome fibromyalgia. If this new form of chiropractic procedure can provide permanent relief for people affected by fibromyalgia, it may revolutionize the medical treatment for many other neurological disorders as well.About the author:
If you want to find out more information about Fibromyalgia please visit this website. You will also find valuable information about Fibromyalgia symptoms and Fibromyalgia treatment.