Arthritis Sufferers Ask- Do Natural Pain Remedies Really Work?

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Sufferers of chronic pain whether it is caused by arthritis, fibromyalgia, carpel tunnel syndrome or old-fashioned lumbago or back pain, will be pleased to hear that there are natural pain remedies that undo the brainwashing by the media that lead us to believe that the answer to all ills are drugs. Watching one's favorite TV show has become a chore with almost equal time given to either auto ads (since the automotive industry is going through a very hard time at the moment) or pain killer (analgesic) ads, as the time devoted to the program itself.

The fact that is prompting this flood of advertising of painkilling drugs is the drop in sales as people become more and more aware of the side effects that the majority of these drugs have on our bodies. Many of these side effects are absolutely lethal and carefully wording the warning on the box so as not to terrify the public has been seen through by most intelligent people who are looking for less dangerous alternatives in the form of a Natural Pain Remedy.

"When asked 'Does Naturally Painless really work?'" said Judy Cutler the developer of this Natural Pain Remedy and a well known nutritionist in Southern California, "I usually don't answer, I just spray some on the painful area and watch their faces as the pain fades away. It doesn't cure the cause of the pain, but neither do analgesics. They only ease the pain but the beauty of a Natural Pain Remedy is, it does not have any side effects and that says it all."

Senior citizens are not exclusively the ones that suffer chronic pain and need natural pain relief , but muscles, cartilage and bones take a beating over the years and our tolerance to pain is sometimes not what it used to be when we were younger. As more information is becoming available about the side effects that even the most common off-the-shelf drugs can cause, people are wisely looking for alternatives. Natural Pain Remedies have the answers that people are searching for today.

About the author:
Author, Judy Cutler, a well-known nutritionist in Southern California and developer of 'Naturally Painless' natural spray-on pain remedy, writes articles on natural pain relief for Real Solution Remedies, Inc. For more information, visit