Astigmatism and Contact Lenses

By:Ahmed Fouad Fouad

Long years ago, many people knew that they won’t be able to correct their vision by wearing contact lenses. But now, Astigmatism can be corrected using tropic contact lenses. Moreover, you can have the choice among brands, materials, replacement schedules and also colored ones.

At the beginning, you have to know what the meaning of Astigmatism is. Astigmatism occurs when the cornea (part of the eye) is oval not round. By this way, problems occur by reflecting the images and light waves to the back of your retina incorrectly. So by this the nerve endings translate the waves of light on the pictures or images incorrectly. So, people who suffer from Astigmatism neither farsighted nor nearsighted but they have blurry vision even the things are far away or close to them.

Contact lenses can correct this problem by being round to cover the oval shape of the cornea. By this way, the eye can receive its signals properly from the contact lens not from the misshapen cornea.

There are two types of correction in the tropic lenses:
First: To correct the cornea shape.
Second: To correct the farsightedness or nearsightedness.

If your eye care professional recognize the Astigmatism, he can give you lenses which is called Gas Permeable (GP) because they easily keep their shape and are rigid .On the other hand, some very mild forms of Astigmatism can be corrected using no tropic lenses.

Sometimes the best option for you when the Astigmatism falls in the middle is the soft-topic lenses even if they are disposable.

Moreover, there are contact lenses available if you have Astigmatism and you need bifocal lenses. You can use the method of correction of the manumission for the bifocals and using tropic lenses to compensate for the Astigmatism. By this you can correct the vision of one eye for the near vision and the other for the distance vision instead of having the same lens for both corrections. And this is the best technique not only getting quick eye adjutancy, but also many people won’t observe this difference.

If the best choice was contact lenses for your Astigmatism, so you have to know that they will be more expensive than any other contact lenses because they have two levels of corrections in them and also they are more complicated to be fitted to your eye.

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For more information on discount Astigmatism contact lenses visit