Athlete's Foot - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
- By:Juliet Cohen
Athlete's foot a skin disease and it is a fungal infection usually between the toes. Athlete foot is also called tinea pedis. The condition easily spreads in public places such as communal showers, locker rooms and fitness centers.Although athlete's foot occurs mostly among teen and young adult guys, kids and women can get it, too. People with sweaty or damp feet are at risk. Walking barefoot where others also walk barefoot is one way the fungus can get on your feet in the first place. Fungus can be spread from person to person by contact with these objects. However, without proper growing conditions (a warm, moist environment), the fungus will not infect the skin. Up to 70% of the population will have athletes foot at some time during their lives. That's why your mom or dad might say to wear your sandals when you're showering in a public shower.
Several fungus varieties cause athlete's foot, and sometimes more than one is present at the same time. The condition may be complicated by a secondary infection with bacteria which take advantage of the damaged skin. Symptoms of Athlete foot include itching and burning feet. The skin frequently peels and, in particularly severe cases, there may be some cracking, pain and bleeding as well.Bacteria fungus can also invade the skin. These bacteria can cause a bad smell. Bacterial infection of the skin and resulting inflammation is known as cellulitis. This is especially likely to occur in the elderly.
Causes of Athlete's Foot
Athlete's foot is a skin fungal infection. The most common fungi causing tinea pedis are Trichophyton rubrum and T. mentagrophytes. Fungal infections of the skin are called dermatophytosis. Dermatophytes may be spread from other humans (anthropophilic), animals (zoophilic) or may come from the soil (geophilic). Anthropophillic dermatophytes are restricted to human hosts and produce a mild, chronic inflammation. Zoophilic organisms are found primarily in animals and cause marked inflammatory reactions in humans.
Symptoms of Athlete's Foot
1.Dry skin.
Treatment of Athlete's Foot
Fungus thrives in a moist warm environment keeping the feet dry and cool can cure the infection. It is recommended to wear open sandals, or even better barefoot as much as possible. It is important to keep your feet clean and dry. Wear clean absorbent socks made of natural fibers, such as cotton, and change them during the day. Spray your shoes with a disinfectant and set them in out in the sun to help kill germs and Don't share towels or footwear. Many medications are available including miconazole and clotrimazole.About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes for health disorders. She also writes articles for homemade acne treatment and skin disorders.