Autism seen by the alternative medicine

By:David Yuri

The spiritual view on autism underlines the fact that limitation and pain can be transformed into meaningful experiences; the alternative medicine believes that autism is to be regarded as a complex disorder that has many layers that are linked to a single root. Spiritual approaches can help people to understand the true reasons behind these hardships; true understanding comes in various layers that are all related to autism because each of them is to be viewed as having its own rights and reasons. The first layer resides in the common symptoms such as the nervous gestures, aphasias, seizures and even difficult movement routine. These symptoms are to be found in the nervous system of a person suffering from autism.

Another layer of autism resides in the fact that problems are linked to the daily thoughts; the difficulty in gestures and communication can come along with thought patterns that are severely disturbed. All these aspects are defined as belonging to the person suffering from severe autism. The emotional and social aspects are also considered because they are severe enough in order to need extra care for the patient. The spirituality information may imply that the people who are suffering from autism may have chosen to experience the limitations that are brought by this severe disease. They might have chosen this disease in order to become more evolved and even balanced. Therefore, in case of these people, the reason of their present choice is to be searched for within a special inner motivational pattern. This pattern was established according to the divine essence that was involved in the initial creation. This divine essence needs to manifest its presence through this severe disease and one should not try to understand the symptoms from a sort of outer perspective that is quite useless in case of the chosen autism. The pattern is not likely to be understood by using outer frames of reference. Therefore, special spirituality information can claim that a soul may actually choose his own sickness in order to seek his own self-realization.

But autism remains a severe problem for all the people who are suffering from this condition together with their families. The entire society can be affected by these patients because the emotional challenges are big. One way to understand this disease is to try searching for new answers. The present context can underline the necessity of different positive qualities that have to be reinforced. These positive features and behavior are to be found inside every patient suffering from autism and no one should doubt this. The outer behaviors can suggest the inexistence of positive features but one should be aware that this is not the case. People who live around an autistic person should provide him with constant support even if his life is governed by huge limitations. They can even try to acknowledge the person behind his sickness. This person has chosen this condition and its limitations and therefore he deserves equal dignity and even equal opportunities in order to be able to live within his own limitations.
The limitations are likely to govern all his capacity but you should not regard his diagnosis as a sort of detrimental option.

The alternative medicine implies the fact that optimistic views are to be provided because the entire family and even the society have to acknowledge the sacred life beyond any kind of present limitations. The person should not be regarded as a limitation because every person should have the chance to live a fulfilled and full life. One should also acknowledge that a spiritual perspective should not be considered as a real enemy for the conventional medicine. The spiritual perspective is not in competition with other perspectives either; but this type of perspective can allow people become more open towards other person’ s experience even if this experience is considered as a sickness. New practical measures should be experimented in order to deal with the permanent challenge that resides in autism. But everyone should enjoy the freedom to learn more and chose the expanded perspectives in order to make practical decisions. Positive attitude is to be preferred instead of constant hate and despise because every person who is suffering from autism can eventually sense the vibrations around him.

About the author:
The alternative medicine shows the importance of keeping an optimistic perspective because the spirituality information underlines the existence of a sacred life beyond every disorder.