Bad Laptops Versus Healthy Computing
- By:mick madigan
Computer injuries by bad laptop use never feature in the fantasies peddled to you by manufacturers, educationalists and Internet marketing gurus. Run your internet empire, stay in contact and research and collect streaming information from anywhere in the world via the technological miracle of a light reliable portable powerful PC pal.
Sadly there's the rude awakening of real laptop usage- cramped in an airplane seat, freezing your buns off working at your kitchen table in your underwear, getting sunstroke, sandburn and insect bites squinting at the screen on a beach in Benidorm or Big Sur ... plus the hidden disadvantages as well!
A bad laptop -that's any laptop - is an ergonometric nightmare. Flimsiness, weights of accessories, poor screen distance, feeble illumination and size, low processing power, slothlike tracker response,small keyboard size and awkward positioning give this travelling package the rugged effortless portability of a tinfoil bullion box, coupled with the dependability of a chocolate toothbrush in the Sahara.
OK, laptops may be a necessity for the unfortunate few,but most of us can at least improve our chances of avoiding computer related injury, eyestrain, tiredness and resembling Quasimodo after a weeks potholing if we just use a laptop more safely and sensibly.
Here are a few approved pointers for healthy laptop computing:
1/ Decide how much time you need at the little monster? Can it be cut, can it wait and/or be done on a desktop model? Could you carry DVDs or memory sticks with the data on and plug and work them on a REAL freestanding computer? (Sorry).
No fooling, are you really planning on gaming, or reviewing spreadsheets for hours on a hanky size screen, with keys so small and close they make a TV remote seem like a Bechstein grand?
2/ Avoid hunching. If you possibly can, put the laptop thing on a suitable desk and sit in a proper chair, so you can work at the right height (very top of screen at eye level, screen perpendicular to you, and 18-20 inches away). This way, you are not looking sharply downwards at the screen. Or wondering what that odd stain on your jeans could be...
3/ Avoid laptop misuse by getting your keyboard at the right height, so you can work in the correct position at your laptop. In other words, aim for a NEUTRAL WORKING POSTURE.
- Make sure that your hands, wrists, and forearms are inline, straight, and almost parallel to the floor.
- Your head and torso should be in-line, with head slightly bent forward, facing towards the front, and balanced.
- your shoulders should be relaxed, with your upper arms lying normally at the sides of your body.
- Your elbows should be close to your body and bent between about 90 and 110 degrees.
- Your knees and hips should be at almost the same height, with your feet slightly forward.
- Your smile should be warm, alluring yet mysterious - no, scrap that one. Unless you're Nicole Kidman wanting a favour. Make that Nicole Kidman full stop.
4/ Take lots of breaks. The general suggestion in the healthy computing media is that you take regular breaks anyway. Increase The number with a laptop. Be brave, get away from the nasty little tyke. Remember... Save, close and mock. Chill out at least every half hour or more. If you feel like, make that every 5 minutes. Say I said so, if anyone asks ;-)
5/ Regularly look away from that awful dim tiny screen,(which you've already angled away from bright light sources to reduce glare? HAVEN'T YOU?) as much as possible. Focus on a distant sunset, the end of your nose, that cute blonde over there. Feel Free. No not with me, the blonde. Either sex, your call.
6/ Carry out lots of gentle stretches before during and after use. Gets the blood flowing which aids thought and makes you feel better. Helps break up continued repetitive movements which can contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome. Also may convince the cute blonde in 5/ you naturally work out a lot. If you like, you can pick up a no cost exercise audio/text ebook below which will give you a stack of extra effortless PC exercises to keep you fitter, feeling better and safer from laptop misuse.
7/ Occasionally close your eyes, cover them with your palms without touching them, and just think of of nothing. Defocus .Breathe deeply for 20 -30 seconds. Relax, and repeat as often as need be.
Congratulations! You've mastered a relaxation technique called 'palming', much favoured by top entrepreneurs and hungover college students.
You want more? Thought not. Well, what you have already got should empower you to properly prepare pilot and program your pesky portable PC...what, me biased against laptops? Where did I dwell on the overheating, poor running time, ease of theft, difficulty of upgrading, lousy reliability, or danger to your back and arms in transport?