Benefits of fresh fruit juices
- By:Rachel Broune
The best way to consume fruit is raw, with its skin or with the skin peeled off on an empty stomach or 20 minutes before other meals. If you're not such a fruit-eater and want to have more from the good stuff, the best way to start eating fruit is to squeeze fruit juices. In this way you can get used to fruit and after drinking juices for a while you'll see that your appetite to have raw fruits will increase.
Fruit makes you feel better - Eating much fruit can have a mysterious healing effect on human beings. Even better is to drink a lot of freshly squeezed fruit drinks on a regular basis. It will take approximately 30 days until you start to notice the effects.
Ethical reasons to eat fruit - Fruit doesn't have to be killed and slaughtered before you can eat it. The fruits are just hanging there waiting to be picked by you!
Fruit is the most natural food - When you see a piece of fruit hanging from a tree that tree is telling you something: "Eat my fruits and help me spread my seeds." That’s how nature works. Humans eat vegetables and fruits and consequently help the plants to spread.
Fresh juices are a tremendous source of enzymes. In fact, the "freshness" of juice is one of their key features, because enzymes are destroyed by heat. When you eat cooked foods, whether its meal, grains, fruits, or vegetables, if the food is cooked at temperatures above 114 degrees, the enzymes have been destroyed by the heat.
In addition, fruit and vegetable juices are good sources of the traditional nutrients. Citrus fruits (grapefruit, oranges, etc.) provide healthy portions of vitamin C. Carrot juice contains large quantities of vitamin A, in the form of beta carotene.
Fruits and vegetables provide one more substance that is absolutely essential for good health - water. More than 65% of most of the cells in the human body are made of water, and in some tissues, for example the brain, the cells can be made up of as much as 80% water.
Your body requires certain quantities of nutrients, minerals and vitamins each day to function at its peak. They are all present in fresh produce, fruit, vegetables or herbs and spices. In order to ensure that you get all the required nutrients for your body on a daily basis, you need to consume a variety of fresh produce because they contains different nutrients and only a combination can provide you with all the nutrients you need.
Fruits and vegetables can protect the body from such major diseases as cancer and heart disease. Some are high in substances called anti-oxidants, such as beta carotene, Vitamins C and E and selenium, which are nutrients that protect cell membranes from the damage of free radicals.
Fresh juices are a perfect food supplement. They are far more potent than the isolated nutrients found in vitamin pills. Nutrients influence each other and, therefore, they should not be separated.
About the author:
Rachel Broune writes articles for health care . He also writes for home remedies and skin diseases .