Best issues for an ulcer overview

By:groshan fabiola

The number of people that are fighting ulcer is greatly increasing each year, so this disease is becoming a serious enemy because it affects both men and women, both the young and the old, age or sex does not matter. Fortunately ulcer treatment is continuously improving and important discoveries have been made in this domain so it's hoped that in the near future it will be very easy to cure somebody that is suffering from ulcer. But until that time comes we must learn how to protect ourselves against the many forms of ulcer.

The first symptoms that ulcer presents are represented by an uncomfortable disturbing feeling in the upper part of the abdomen that occurs when the stomach is empty, mostly in the middle of the night. Most of the people quicky star to take antiacids to relieve the pain, but this type of medication can do absolutely nothing to cure the illness, so you may no longer feel pain, but the disease is still evolving inside. If ulcer is ignored and the pain reduced with antiacids for a long time life-threatening complications will most likely appear, and the ulcer can turn into a bleeding ulcer because blood will start to enter the bowel. Untreated bleeding perforates the stomach's or the duodenum's walls, causes hemorrhage, and can expand through the whole body. This ultimately leads to death.

So you see, what at first sight may appear to be just a small pain that easily goes away can turn into something far worse that needs immediate surgery.

It's a common misconception that ulcer is caused by stress, and that people who work a lot usually get ill of ulcer, but that is wrong. It is also wrong that spicy food causes ulcer. What is true is that ulcer is caused by a bacteria, and stress and spices may help it evolve faster, but the definetly do not cause it. however, stress and spicy food don't do half the damage that smoking or drinking does. These two accelerate ulcer's evolution quite a lot.

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More information about ulcer Symptoms or about Peptic ulcer can be found on this website