Bilberry Fruit - The Wonder Fruit

By:Vlad Robles

Turning back the hands of time is a multi-billion dollar industry. Each year labs are creating ways to repair years of damage we have done to our bodies. Instead of creating these new manufactured harsh chemicals of a new age, why not look to the past. Let’s look to the remedies that have already been provided to us by Mother Nature herself.

When looking for herbal remedies the first thing you want to think of is versatility. Which herb will give you the most of what your body needs? It must boost overall health and offer long-term benefits with minimal side effects. In this era where baby boomers and young families are on a budget, keeping healthy means keeping skyrocketing doctor bills to a minimum and stretching your dollars further. Freeing up dollars in the budget has overall stress reduction benefits as well.

Here is a fruit that has all these benefits and more.

Bilberry fruit has been in use since the 16th century. This fruit revealed itself to have many blood and vascular disorders including improving circulation to the eyes. This wondrous berry thins the blood, prevents capillaries from becoming weak, and lowers high blood pressure.

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties from the vitamin A in this incredible fruit help prevent further damage to eyes and sharpen vision. It contains vitamin C, which helps repair blood vessels and tissue cells and boost the body’s immune system. The lack of cell break down will also prevent memory loss that comes with age and Alzheimer’s disease that afflicts so many in today’s world.

Other common ailments that many take Bilberry fruit for is night blindness, glaucoma or generally poor vision. As a tea or a juice, it can also relieve common digestive problems such as nausea. Another added advantage of Bilberry fruit is the prevention and healing of varicose veins and urinary tract infections. There have also been encouraging studies about the positive effects it has on lowering blood sugar levels of diabetics.

The pigment of the Bilberry fruit is its strongest asset. Fruits that are red, purple or blue are able to protect themselves from the harmful effects of the suns rays. This allows the plant to retain all its antioxidant goodness and passes it onto you.

The recommendations are that you drink approximately a glass a day in tea or add it as a complement to a meal to benefit fully from its potential goodness. Try it for yourself and see the clear-cut choice to increasing your whole-bodied health is Bilberry fruit.

About the author:
Learn more about bilberry fruit and what it can do for you at, a popular website providing bulk herbs and other health information and products.