Body Detoxification: How To Beat Cravings While Doing A Body Detox

By:mike hirn

Beating the cravings that come with giving up certain foods and substances is one of the biggest obstacles that interferes with a body detox system. After a few days into it, terrible cravings, moodiness, headaches, stomach aches, and other symptoms might cause you to want to go back to the thing you gave up.

However, by just sticking to the detoxinig system and avoiding succumbing to the cravings, you will feel much better once it is complete. This is one of those pieces of advice that is much easier said than done!

How can you battle the cravings that you are experiencing during your detox?

Below are some ideas that can help you beat the cravings which you may experience while cleansing your systems.

1.Avoid places that have the thing you crave.

2.Avoid watching television shows or reading books and magazines that show the foods you are craving.

3.Drink a lot of water and fruit juice (if your detox program allows the juice).

4.Call a friend to support you.

5.Write in a journal or diary.

6.Engage in a new hobby or pastime.

7.Get some physical exercise such as going for a walk or jog.

8.Do breathing exercises.

These are not a cure-all but they are great strategies to try while you are on a detox program.
You should think of it in the same way as people who are quitting smoking or giving up drugs or alcohol. At first their bodies might actually make them feel sick as they have still have that dependency. However, as they adjust to it, their bodies will be much healthier without the drug than it was before.

You need to keep in mind that there will be cravings during a body detoxification, and that there will be side effects which can make you worse for a time. However, if you can cope your way through it and stick with the plan, the side effects and the cravings both will pass.

Getting through the detox and into that new point of improved health will be the hardest part, but it is well worth it when you do.

Many people are now using home saunas as a way to detoxify themselves and avoid problems like cravings.

About the author:
For more information about how a home sauna can provide a simple and enjoyable way to detoxify and improve your overall health visit