Break Through in Omega 3

By:Wayne Fleury


Chia seeds and oil naturally contain more than 60% Omega-3 fatty acid, this is the highest percentage of Omega-3 of any commercially available source. The body converts Omega-3 from chia into EPA and DHA. Chia has no odor, doesn’t go rancid, easy to store, easy to use, has very little flavor/taste and is not contaminated with pesticides, chemicals or heavy metals.

A Dieters dream

The gel-forming property of chia seed tends to slow digestion and sustain balanced blood sugar levels, which can be helpful in preventing or controlling diabetes. Whole, water-soaked chia seeds can be easily digested and absorbed. This results in rapid transport of chia nutrients to the tissues for use by the cells. Chia also facilitates the growth and regeneration of tissue during pregnancy and lactation, and aids the regeneration of muscles for conditioning athletes and bodybuilders. For the dieter, this means feeling full with no more peaks and valleys in blood sugar levels.

The fastest and easiest way to take chia seed is to add one tablespoon chia seed into an eight-ounce glass of water or juice, stir to break up any lumps, let sit about five minutes, stir again, and then drink. You can also use it to make a versatile gel, which can be added to jams, jellies, peanut butter, milkshakes, nut spreads, smoothies, hot or cold cereals, yogurts, mustard, catsup, tartar sauce, barbecue sauces, etc. as a fat replacer, for energy and endurance, or for added great taste. Here’s how to make the gel, which has a slightly nutty flavor:
Wayne Fleury

About the author:

Author Wayne Fleury has been in Internet Marketing for almost 10 years and represents the NSRI
Nutritional Science Research Institute. Nutritional Science.
Research Institute (NSRI) is an organization committed to both the development of healthy products from natural sources and to providing education about proper use of nutritional supplements.
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