Can You Survive A Ruptured Brain Aneurysm? Part 1of3

By:Richard Tolar

I am one of the lucky few that survived a ruptured brain aneurysm.

A Cerebral (Brain) Aneurysm is a weak spot in an artery inside your head that tends to bulge out. One of the most common types is know as a "Saccular or Berry" aneurysm because it looks like a little berry that grows on a bush.

A better example of an aneurysm is a weak spot in an inner tube of a bicycle tire. A bubble will form and then bulge when too much air is pumped into the tire. The bubble will burst if you keep pumping air into the inner tube.

The weak spots in an artery can be caused by a number of things.

1.. Congenital
A defect in an artery that developed when you were born.

2.. Hereditary. A relative:
Aunt Flo
Uncle Sid

3.. High Blood Pressure
A well-known villain... Smoking
Hypertension. High strung, nervous, or jumpy all the time.
Type of diet... Too fatty can also contribute to high blood pressure.

4.. A sudden sharp blow to the head.

5.. High impact sporting events.

The causes can, and are, varied. It all depends on your source of information. The four reasons above are generally accepted as the most common reasons for an aneurysm developing. It should be a matter of course to have a thorough interior head examination when things don't seem quite right or you know there is a history of problems in your family.

What are the symptoms of a brain aneurysm?

The symptoms of a brain aneurysm forming can be hard to spot. Almost 90% of the people that have an undamaged aneurysm do not have a clue that something is wrong. This is the group that is in the most danger of being permanently injured, or worse, die, when the aneurysm burst.

A Note: A simple non-invasive medical test called "Magnetic Resonance Imaging" (MRI) can detect most of the "Cerebral Aneurysms" long before they rupture. The problem being is that your doctor may have to jump through a lot of hoops to get an okay from an insurance company to pay the bill.

There are a number of symptoms that indicate a possible aneurysm has formed. However, quite often these symptoms will be ignored and passed off as a nuisance in life.

The hardest symptom to spot is a change in your personality. It is very difficult to admit that you are not the same sweet, lovable person you think you are.

Some of the more common symptoms of a possible aneurysm problem are:

1.. Headaches.

2.. Upset stomach; sometimes uncontrolled vomiting.

3.. Stiff neck. This can be a real danger signal.

4.. Double Vision.

5.. Eye pain

These sound like everyday things. However, they should not be ignored. Once you suffer a full-blown Cerebral Aneurysm Rupture, (Sub-arachnoid hemorrhage -SAH-) the blood will spurt out and flow into the outer surrounding area of the brain. This causes a tremendous amount of pressure and in turn cause sever headaches.

These headaches are often called:

1.. The worst headache I have ever had.

2.. It's like I was hit in the head with a shovel.

3.. My head felt like a bolt of lighting hit me.

A lot hinges on how fast treatment is giving for this type of brain trauma. Life, or death, will often times be determined by how fast you get treated for a ruptured brain aneurysm.

Some sobering statistics for a ruptured brain aneurysm are:

1.. 25% will die within one day.

2.. 25% of those that survive the first day will die within 6 months.

3.. More than half of the survivors will have a permanent disability.

A survivor needs a lot of help and understanding from family members and friends. His/her life has been turned upside down and mental confusion will reign supreme. They will need your help.

I survived a brain aneurysm that ruptured. I am happy to take my place beside some of the more famous people that are still with us today.
1.. Terry Garr
2.. Neil Young
3.. Quincy Jones
4.. Peter Gammons

It's sad to note that some were not as lucky.
1.. Laura Branigan
2.. Shirley Walker

Part two (2) will cover some of the events after a cerebral aneurysm ruptures.

**Resources are my own personal experiences and keyword search "brain aneurysm"

About the author:
Richard Tolar is the survivor of a ruptured Cerebral Aneurysm. Get a FREE Subscription to the "Health News Journal" newsletter and discover how and why herbal medications can be better than prescription drugs.