Can you fix my Back Doc?

By:Leanne Kemp

The word 'chiropractic' literally means 'done by the hand' or 'manipulation'. Spinal manipulation was practised by Hippocrates in the 5th Century BC. Chiropractic as we know it today was developed in 1895 by a Canadian, Daniel D Palmer. The chiropractic belief is based on his findings that 95% of all health problems could be prevented or treated using spinal adjustment, and 5% by adjustments of other joints. It is proposed that misaligned vertebrae, or subluxations, caused interference and interrupted the proper flow of information from the spine to an internal organ. As a result, the human body would experience disharmony which would result in loss of health.

Chiropractic therapy is based on the scientific fact that your body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism. These important functions are controlled by the brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves of the body. If there is a misalignment the result is pain and or discomfort with disrupted information pathways. Once this misalignment is fixed, the body will heal itself within reason.

It is generally accepted that chiropractors can help sore backs but it is only about 20% of what chiropractic can do for a patient. There is a multitude of other conditions that chiropractors relieve. These include: asthma; muscle, joint and postural problems; gastrointestinal disorders; fatigue; vision problems; tinnitus; vertigo; sinus problems; allergies; croup; skin conditions; kidney conditions; irritable bowel; menstrual problems among others.

Occasionally patients will need to be in a state of undress for treatment. Treatments are usually carried out on a chiropractic bed specially designed for this purpose.
The length of each visit and the frequency of re-visits is dependent on the Chiropractor and the problem or issue that is being treated.

After taking a case history the spine is examined to see if there are any injuries, accidents or areas of tension that may be causing irritation to the spinal nerve roots. By reducing or eliminating this irritation, the body will operate more efficiently and more comfortably. Occasionally a Chiropractor may refer a patient for x-rays, Massage or Physiotherapy if this is considered to be necessary. Manipulation of the spine, when performed by a chiropractor, is frequently referred to as an adjustment. Chiropractors assess, diagnose and treat people with movement problems and strive to restore function. They assess injuries and work with the patient to help restore as normal of function as possible.

Chiropractics don’t just fix what is broken, they also work with people to ensure that they lead a healthy and active lifestyle. They give advise on nutritional and lifestyle changes to help make sure that people can live their lives to the fullest.

About the author:
Leanne Kemp is the Managing Director for Wotaboutme. Look online to find a day spa, haircut, aromatherapy massage anywhere in Australia. Perfect for gifts for him or gifts for her. For updates, check out the Wotaboutme Blog