Common Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
- By:Steve Knowles
Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammation of the joints, the surrounding swelling and discomfort is painful. How the body treats this attack to the equalibrium is by attempting to repair the afflicted area, in doing so the surrounding area may have the bone and cartilage disrupted and broken down. Everyone has different results with intervals where the symptoms are less but cruelly return again later as if taunting the sufferer.A Feeling of Stiffness in the JointRheumatoid arthritis sufferers waking in the morning often feel joint stiffness for more than an hour. This is one of the first signs that arthritis may be starting. Observing the joints in question should reveal some swelling and tenderness in more than one part of the body. The discomfort may reside to acceptable levels after a while but can come back in periods of inactivity.The early rheumatoid arthritis symptoms do not necessarily have to be confined to the joints of the body. Upon closer inspection of the joint area can reveal small nodules under the skin or even an accumulation of fluids. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause a loss of appetite and body shaking chills, other than the common pain of the joint area.As time moves on the person afflicted with the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis have times of :*unusual tiredness*morning stiffness*extensive aches and pains*low staminaThese early rhumatoid arthritis symptoms need to be heeded because if treated quickly the joints permanent ruination may be lessened or at least slow it down to manageable levels. Failure to action these arthritis symptoms early enough will condemn the person to a life of medications, monitored exercise programs, physical therapy or even surgery.Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can greatly reduce the mobility of the person to such an extent where previously accepted lifestyles need to be readdressed. The joint mobility and resulting pain and discomfort should cause the person to follow through with treatment, thus preventing the rheumatoid arthritis from having free reign and causing much more damage than necessary. Seeking out appropriate medications, natural remedies and dietary changes can provide comfort and allow the sufferer to maintain the lifestyle at a standard that they are used to for many years to come.About the author:
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