Complications of peritonitis

By:karina mary

Complications of peritonitis are secondary diseases or symptoms.
If it’s not treated properly and early,peritonitis can have many complications such as:
~ peristalsis-the bowel contents stop moving.
~paralytic ileus-meaning the blockage of the bowel.
~ascites-the fluid from the bloodstream leaks into the abdominal cavity.
~dehydration-an excessive loss of fluids and minerals from the body.
~shock-when the body doesn’t have enough blood.
~septicaemia-blood poisoning.
~kidney,lung or liver failure.
~an abscess can form - a lump containing pus, which is made by the body during infection.
~the intestine can be blocked by a scar tissue caused by infection.
Another complication of peritonitis is peritonitis dialysis associated-is a serious inflammation of the peritoneum that occurs in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis.
The main cause of this condition is the bacteria introduced into the peritoneum during dialysis. The most common bacteria causing the infection is skin bacteria. The symptoms associated with this disease are:fever,nausea,vomiting,chills,abdominal tenderness.
To prevent peritonitis dialysis associated sterile very carefully the technique when the dialysis procedure is performed. However the infection has been diminished with new equipment design.

About the author:
For more information about peritonitis disease you can visit our site Peritonitis , find what are the causes of peritonitis and what is the treatment of peritonitis.