Considering Laser Eye Surgery And Its Effects

By:Steve Knowles

Someone considering laser eye surgery will need to gather lots of information before actually going through with the procedure. Laser eye surgery or as it is sometimes also referred to as Lasik eye surgery can change a persons life by allowing them to finally be free from bifocals or glasses. As with any type of surgery there have been documented results that are not complimentary, but having said that, the laser eye surgery procedure these days is fairly commonplace and has come a long way since it's beginning. A prospective patient will start their research by going to an optomertrist as well as consulting their general practitioner.What happens when Laser Eye Surgery is Performed?Various techniques are used these days, only one eye is worked upon at a time, but they all generally follow a procedure which calls for the eye to be exposed to a laser as well as having a scalpel called a microkeratome which slices a flap across the cornea. When the center of the cornea, the stroma, is accessible the laser is used to cut or burn away part of the stroma thus changing the shape of the cornea and creating a different focal distance point and ending in providing a change of vision.Further Details of the Procedure and Post Surgery Effects.Although the actual laser eye surgery will be uncomfortable from the point of view of having something actually manipulating and interfering with the eye, the surgery does not actually take very long to perform and is carried out under a local anesthetic. This is an unnatural act that a human being has to endure because lets face it, all our lives we are preventing damage to our eyes by avoiding the entry of foreign particles and then staring straight ahead while an object is poking around in there well can really be traumatic to some. All this is essential for the surgeon to be able to carry out the laser eye surgery successfully.The laser surgery itself exposes the patient to unfamiliar sights and sounds such as the noises emitting from the laser and other equipment. The feeling of a piece of equipment placed over the eye with the blurred vision which will stay for longer than the surgery itself. Post surgery, the eye is then protected from the unconscious rubbing and scratching or accidental knocking of the corneal flap while in it's critical healing phase. Post laser surgery the patient will have to adjust their lifestyle to accommodate the healing cornea. This includes, no swimming or sporting activity that could cause the cornea to be dislodged. Ladies will have to abstain from applying makeup and creams around the eye area. The protective shield placed over the eye remains there, night and day, for up to four weeks with the patient having to display a high degree of self control and patience. After all the hoops one has to jump through have been overcome the patient stops being a patient and now becomes a glasses free human being again. If all of the above laser eye surgery seems a small price to pay to you then it seems that you have what it takes to be able to not wear glasses again. But don't forget, this usually has to be done all over again on the other eye.

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