Constipation Remedies That Work

By:Rudy Silva

Constipation has confused many people in that they don't know whether they have constipation or not. This confusion comes from doctors and other medical practitioners that say that you don't need to have a bowel movement everyday. And, that it is ok if you only have one every 2 - 3 days. Yes, those in the natural health field say you should have one for every meal that you eat every day.

The natural movement of the food you eat, from the time it enters your mouth to the time it exists your anus, is about 20 to 28 hours. This time will depend on what you eat. Fruits and vegetables move very fast and carbohydrates and protein move slower through your digestive system.

If you eat three solid meals a day, then you should expect to have at least two bowel movements each day and a maximum of three. If you do not, then there is something slowing down the movement of your food through your gastrointestinal tract. Here are two natural constipation remedies that you can use to speed up your bowel movements.

Constipation Remedies

Using natural constipation remedies is one way to correct slow moving food through your digestive system. If your stools are hard and you have a hard time eliminating them, then you need to do two things to start.

1. Drink more water during the day - you do not have to start drinking 8-10 glasses a day. But you should add a couple of more glasses than you normally drink and you can add drinking more fruit juices - apple, cherry, peach, grape, or grapefruit juice.

2. Eat more fruits in the morning - fruits have a lot of fiber and photonutrients that help you keep your colon healthy. Fiber in the fruits will soften your stool. In addition, fiber has the characteristic of attracting water. So fiber will soften your stools by the fiber it has and by the water it attracts and incorporates into the stool.

There are many other constipation remedies that you can use to insure regular bowel movement. Fiber is but one nutrient that you use to control bowel movement frequency. But start with these two and I will give you more tips in other articles.

Make sure you use natural fiber as is found in fruits. This is balanced fiber and your body knows what to do with it. If you use drug store fiber products that are synthetic, your body will not know how to use them and treats them as toxic matter.

Use the constipation remedies that help you with constipation, such as all the different fruits available to you. The nice thing about fruits is that they contain around 70% or more of water. This water is distilled water and this means that it is the cleanest water you can drink and also that you don't need to drink as much supplemental water.

About the author:
Rudy Silva, nutritionist and writer of natural remedies, gives you more tips on constipation remedies and colon health. Go to these constipation sites for more information: and