Diarrhoea Causes and home treatment

By:Rachel Broune

Diarrhoea or diadumpa is an abnormal increase in the frequency and liquidity of the stools. It may be caused by intestinal infections, other forms of intestinal inflammation, malabsorption and anxiety. Severe or prolonged diarrhoea may lead to excess losses of fluid, salts and nutrients in the faeces.

Diarrhea is your body's way of getting rid of whatever toxin is bothering it. If you try to "plug yourself up" with crap, it will just make you sick. The diarrhea helps to cleanse the body from the unwanted toxin or infection.

The most common cause of diarrhea is a virus that infects the gut. The infection usually lasts for two days and is sometimes called intestinal flu. Watch the consumption of various foods eaten. Sometimes processed foods, spicy foods, or spoiled food can create a reaction and our system responds by throwing it off via diarrhea. There could also be an infection in your body needing to come out.

Eat something to help bulk out your intestine. Try Mashed potatos, tapioca pudding and anything with lots of fiber. I know it sounds strange but the fiber will help absorb the extra water and normalize the diarrhea.

If you have diarrhea, you must make sure you consume plenty of water so you don't dehydrate. Water can actually help cure some causes of diarrhea. Stay away from milk and milk products (except cheese, which will also bind .. but be careful).

Use pepto-bismol that medicine really works wonders. It could of been food poisoning or maybe you had a fever. You never know, with so many diseases and bacteria out there you never do know what you have.

Imodium will stop the diarrehia, and also help w/the gas and cramps. You probably just have a touch of the flu. Take ORS, 1 to 2 glasses sipped slowly after every loose stool. If you have fever, take some antipyretic like acetaminophen or paracetamol. Take light food like yogurt, rice, bananas, apples. Do not take any anti-diarrheal drugs. They will cause apparent symptomatic relief, but they will prolong the infection. Diarrhea is self- limited. Just keep yourself well hydrated and take sufficient rest.

Water from boiled rice can really help you and also take other liquids to replenish water loss from your body. If you have Gatorade or any energy drink those will also help.

Don't self medicate and don't use those OTC drugs that may constipate you, thus creating a continuous circle, going nowhere except back and forth to the bathroom. Go see your doctor if this extends past 3 weeks. You may need to produce a stool sample for testing.

About the author:
Rachel Broune writes articles for Diarrhoea Home remedies . He also writes for Skin Care and Cure for Diarrhea