Dry Skin Prevention Tips

By:Alva Sovte

If you suffer from dry skin your probably always looking for different ways to help improve your condition. There are some different products that can help keep it under control, many of witch don't help that well. You do need to find the right products and know how to apply them. Here are some tips to help you control your dry skin.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you only take one bath or shower per day. You also should use warm water, not hot. Be sure to not scrub to hard. If you don't follow these steps your skin wont produce sebum like it should. Sebum is what produces oil to keep your skin feeling natural.

Here are some other tips that you should follow to prevent dry skin.

- Apply moisturizer after you take a bath. Many products work best when your skin is still wet.

- Antiperspirants and perfumes can cause dry skin. If you use either one of these be sure to not over use them.

- If you live in a cold climate your house or work place may have very dry air. You will need a humidifier to help keep the air more moist.

- If you are outdoors allot you need to make sure your skin is well protected. Be sure to have sun screen on. Make sure you have a t-shirt on. You don't want your skin to be exposed to the sun to much.

Most dry skin isn't very severe. You can easily keep your dry skin condition under control by applying a good moisturizer and following some of the tips in this article.

About the author:
To get more information visit http://www.healthy-skin-4u.com/, http://www.squidoo.com/exposedskincare/