Dry eye causes symptoms and treatment

By:Predrag Iljic

Chronic dry eye syndrome (DES) is usually caused by insufficient or decreased tear production or increased tear film evaporation. Tears are a complex mixture of water, fatty oils, proteins, electrolytes and bacteria fighting substances. Typical symptoms of dry eye syndrome are dryness, burning, itchiness, foreign body sensation, pain, stingy, gritty eye irritation (usually both eyes are affected). Dry eye syndrome can cause watery eye symptoms (due to eye irritation), but this excessive tearing does not make eyes feel any better as these tears will not have the lubricating features necessary to relieve dry eye. Schirmer's test is one way of confirming dry eye syndrome. Ocular surface inflammation may further aggravate the dry-eye condition, likewise dry eye can make allergy symptoms worse (tears are essential in tackling allergic responses as they help dilute and clear the allergens and irritants)

Dry eye syndrome is an ongoing condition that in many cases it can not be cured, but the accompanying symptoms such as dryness and burning can be alleviated. The diagnosis and treatment of dry eye syndrome is very complex. Artificial tears are usually the first line of treatment. Tears wash away dust and other irritants from the eyes, provide oxygen and nutrients to the cornea, lubricate and guard your eyes. Other common treatment options involve punctual plugs (which slow down or even stop the drainage of tears - it is also possible to have a temporary dissolving plug to see if it helps), For moderate to severe cases Restasis eye drops may be prescribed. In some cases an oral antibiotic such as tetracycline or an anti-inflammatory corticosteroid eye drop such as Alrex or Lotemax may be necessary. If the oily layer of the tear film is deficient specialists may suggest that you increase your consumption of oily fish and take flax seed oil as a dietary supplement.

Dry eye syndrome also means that your eyes are less protected from various irritants in our environment therefore air purifier and avoidance of irritant-prone areas may be helpful. Humidifiers are also considered to be helpful, however, if you have an allergy to dust mites it may make your symptoms worse since dust mites love humid conditions

About the author:
Predrag Iljic has been suffering from various allergies for as long as he can remember. If you believe you could be suffering from allergies as well please visit his website - Advice for allergy symptoms causes and treatment If you would like to learn more about dry eye syndrome please visit another web site produced by Predrag Illic for Dry eye symptoms causes and treatment