Ear Ache Causes nd Remedies

By:Rachel Broune

Ear ache is any ache or pain arising in the ear. It is an ache localized in the middle or inner ear. Technically ear ache may be called otalgia or otodynia. Otalgia is ear pain or an earache. Primary otalgia is from pain that originates inside the ear. Referred otalgia is from pain that originates from outside the ear. Earache is very common medical problem for both children and adults. The 2 most common conditions that cause earache are infection of the outer ear (otitis externa) and infection of the middle ear. The common causes of otitis externa are trapped moisture and minor injury to the ear canal. Otitis media is caused by bacteria growing in the middle ear behind the eardrum. It often follows a cold or upper respiratory tract infection.

Some of the home remedies for the treatment of ear ache are as follows:

Put a small piece of pealed garlic on a thin piece of gauze and stuck it in the ear for a few minutes. It relieves the pain while it is inside the ear.

Try using sweet oil you can get it at any drug store. Just put a few drops in and then put cotton in that ear.

Place a bottle of baby oil or mineral oil in a pan of hot (not boiling) water. Let the oil sit in the water until it becomes hot. Place a drop or two of oil in the ear. It will help lessen the pain.

Chew a wad of gum. I'm sure you've heard of people telling you to do so to help with pressure in the ears on plane flights.

Hydrogen peroxide and warm water mixture poured into the ear is a good home remedy. After that place a towel over the ear and let the mixture run out.

Pure lavender oil mixed with a carrier oil like almond oil. Eight drops each of lavender and teatree oil to 1/2 ounce carrier oil. Never put in ear just massage all around behind and down the side of neck.

Apply warm olive oil on a piece of cotton wool ,and put it into ear before going to bed. This usually done the trick.and didn't need any medical intervention.

Garlic has many uses, and is an effective remedy for a variety of ailments. With its antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral properties, garlic can treat many types of external earaches. In the early stage of an ear infection, or even periodically if you are prone to ear infections, place a few drops of garlic oil in the ear canal, the plug loosly with sterile cotton.

Spending too much time in the pool can lead to this ailment, caused when waterborne bacteria get trapped in your ear. To clear it up, put a few drops of a mixture of one part white vinegar and one part rubbing alcohol into your ear. Wait a few minutes, then tip your head and let the liquid trickle out. Repeat three times daily.

Don't use ear candles when you are having an ear infection. That can cause a lot of pain and potential damage. Use the ear candle AFTER the infection to pull out all the gunk. An ear infection is caused by a clogged Eustachian tube, and an ear candle does nothing to pull out the liquid trapped behind the ear drum.

About the author:
Rachel Broune writes articles for Ear Ache Home Remedies. He also writes for Alternative Medicines and Home Remedies