Facts about Scabies Treatments
- By:groshan fabiola
Scabies is a skin infection caused by infestation with scabies mites. The mite responsible for causing scabies in humans is called Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. Although today there aren’t any effective ways of preventing scabies from occurring, the condition can be easily treated. In the past, people considered that scabies was developed only due to improper hygiene. However, hygiene has nothing to do with the condition; scabies can be developed by anyone, regardless of the level of hygiene.
Scabies affects mostly children and elderly people, but it can occur in young adults just as well. The condition is very contagious and it can be easily transmitted through direct contact with an infected person. The mite responsible for causing scabies can live for about 3 days without a human host and it can be contracted by using contaminated objects such as clothing, towels, bed sheets etc.
The most common symptoms of scabies are skin inflammation, rash, pustules, blisters and nodules. Some of these symptoms can become severe if the condition is not treated appropriately. Scabies treatment is targeted towards eradicating the infestation with mites. The mites usually find shelter in the less exposed areas of the body, such as the chest, back, armpits, buttocks, genitals, feet, but they can also infest the face or the scalp (particularly in the case of infants and small children).
An effective scabies treatment should be able to eradicate the mites in only a few days. If used appropriately, the scabies treatment should be able to destroy the eggs and larvae too. However, although the infestation is eradicated, the symptoms of scabies can persist for as long as a few weeks. Although the mites and larvae are killed by the scabies treatment, their bodies still remain burrowed into the skin, causing further inflammation and rash. The scabies treatment should therefore include local medical creams to deal with the skin irritation.
Scabies treatments usually consist of local ointments and creams. They should be applied on the entire skin surface, not only in the regions that appear to be infested. The most common medical creams used in scabies treatments today are Permethrin and Malathion. Permethrin is a cream that applies on the affected regions of the skin. It is very well tolerated and needs to be kept on the skin for at least 8 hours before washing it off. Malathion is a lotion that should be kept on the skin for 24 hours. When applying the local scabies treatment, you should insist in the areas where the mites tend to shelter. Remember to always reapply the scabies treatment on the skin after you wash. Also, don’t apply the creams and lotions right after showering. If the skin pores are wide open, the scabies treatment will be absorbed too deep into the skin and therefore the mites won’t be affected by it.
After dealing with the infestation with scabies mites, the rash and itch can be eased by using a treatment with hydrocortisone and antihistamine. These medicines are often used in scabies treatments for ameliorating the symptoms of the condition. If the skin is also infected with bacteria, (Impetigo may occur along with scabies), the scabies treatment will also include antibiotics. An efficient scabies treatment will eradicate the mites and deal with the rash and itch. However, if the symptoms persist or aggravate, the scabies treatment may need to be repeated.
The scabies treatment should be followed by all the people who entered in contact with the contaminated person, even if they don’t show any signs of the condition yet. These actions are very important in preventing the spreading of the mites to other people.About the author:
If you want to find great content on different scabies related issues like scabies treatments, scabies causes and many more visit http://www.scabies-center.com .