General Aspects about Scabies

By:groshan fabiola

Scabies is a very common condition and it can be developed by anyone. Scabies is an infection of the skin that causes bumps, nodules or blisters due to infestation with tiny mites. The common signs of scabies are inflammation, itching, rash and the presence of tiny burrows on the surface of the skin.

Scabies in people occurs due to infestation with microscopic mites called Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. Once they find a human host, these tiny mites crawl onto the skin and shelter in the less exposed areas of the body. The female parasite mites burrow deep into the skin and lay their eggs. After a while, larvae emerge and climb to the surface of the skin. They continue to mature and break through the skin when they are fully developed.

Scabies are very contagious and can affect anyone. The mites can easily be transmitted through physical contact. Scabies are very common in children and elderly people. The infestation with scabies mites is facilitated by crowded conditions and children in nursing homes, kindergartens and schools are more exposed to contracting the condition. Good personal hygiene can’t prevent scabies from occurring. Even though proper hygiene can delay the occurrence of some symptoms of scabies, it can’t stop the condition from developing.

The most common symptoms of scabies are itching, inflammation, rash, pustules, blisters and nodules. The itching can be severe and it usually intensifies at night. It can lead to infections that are difficult to heal. Scabies mostly affects the skin on the hands and feet and the parasite mites tend to hide between the fingers or under the nails. Scabies can also affect other regions of the body, such as the neck, chest, back, armpits, wrists, elbows, buttocks and the genital area. The skin affected by scabies is exposed to infection with bacteria. Scabies can lead to impetigo, a serious bacterial skin infection that is difficult to treat. Also, people can develop allergic reactions to the mites’ feces and secretions, containing substances that are toxic to the human body.

Scabies can become very serious if it isn’t discovered in time. Although most of its symptoms can be misleading in establishing the appropriate diagnose, scabies can be revealed by careful physical examinations. Address yourself to a doctor when you first spot the symptoms of scabies. If the doctor reveals the presence of scabies mites within the skin, he will prescribe an appropriate treatment for dealing with the infestation.

The treatment for scabies usually consists of medical creams, lotions and ointments. These are locally applied on the entire skin, not only on the areas that are visibly affected by scabies. The local treatment should remain on the skin for 8-12 hours and should be reapplied after washing. Scabies can be overcome within the first week of treatment and the inflammation will heal in time. If it is left untreated, the condition can become very serious and therefore it is advised to ask for medical help as soon as you spot the symptoms of scabies.

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