Goji. The Secret Revealed !

By:Sonny ahuja

Finally summer is here in Milwaukee. I decided to take kids out to watch “Are We Done Yet?” last night. What a blast ! Not only did the kids found it funny but my 8 and 9 year old also told me how important it was for a family to stay together especially going through a hard time. What amazed me was the mention of “Goji Berries” in the movie and that it cured the young boy’s asthma!

After doing a lot of research I found that Goji Berries have lot of medicinal benefits.
If you have not yet heard of goji juice from goji berries, you are not alone. While it has occupied an important place in traditional Asian medicine for countless generations, the secrets of its nutritional benefits have remained a mystery to most of the world.
Did you know that in some remote places in this world, a life expectancy of more than 100 years is not uncommon? Not only do people in these remote regions live long lives, they also enjoy abundant health and happiness.
What factors have contributed to their great fortune? These centenarians often live in isolated places. away from the harmful influences of modern civilisation. Their diet contains fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and is low in animal fats.
Yet, even more importantly, a recent scientific discovery has revealed something the Himalayan people have known for thousands of years! Many of the world's longest living people consume regular daily helpings of a tiny red fruit that may be the world's most powerful food - the goji berry.

FreeLife™is the first company to perfect a difficult and demanding proprietary extraction process and create the only standardized form of this incredible plant available in the world today: HIMALAYAN GOJI™ JUICE.
The First Healers:

During the Tang Dynasty (around 800 AD), a well had been dug beside a wall near a famous Buddhist temple that was covered with goji vines. Over the years, countless berries had fallen into the well. Those who prayed there had the ruddy complexion of good health, and even at the age of eighty they had no white hair and had lost no teeth, simply because they drank the water from the well. From this legend, a poem was crafted. (See below).
It is said that the Himalayans were the first natural healers, and that they shared their wisdom with the ancient herbalists of China , Tibet , and India . One of their most prized secrets was the fruit of the native goji vine, which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys since the beginning of time. Those who came there to learn took the goji home with them and planted it in their own valleys, thus spreading the legend of this most marvelous and healthful fruit.

Why Himalayan Goji Berries?

Just as there are many varieties of grapes for wine making, there are many varieties of goji—as many as 41 species growing in Tibet alone! The challenge for Dr. Mindell and Freelife™ was to harvest the goji of Himalayan legend, and avoid poor quality berries.
Dr. Mindell and his research team had a daunting task ahead of them. Which was the best? Which was the TRUE goji of legend? Dr. Mindell knew that he must exhaustively analyze the dozens of varieties to find the one true goji—the one that had been discovered by the early Himalayan healers, and which, from ancient times, had been praised in legend.
To do this, they used a spectrometer - an analytical device that is designed to measure how substances either absorb or reflect electromagnetic energy at the molecular level. By using this device and a highly sophisticated mathematical formula, they were able to determine a fingerprint of the goji that originated in the Himalayas - its spectral signature.

By use of the Spectral Signature techinique, Dr. Mindell and his team were able to identify those plants that retained the purity and goodness that existed in the first plants that grew in their original home, the pristine and beautiful Himalayas . Only those plants could truly be called direct descendants of the original goji form the Himalayas .

for more info or to buy Goji Berries or Goji Juice visit http://www.shopnolimit.com

About the author:
for more info or to buy Goji Berries or Goji Juice visit http://www.shopnolimit.com
or http://www.grandperfumes.com

for any comments contact me at ra4u69@yahoo.com