Guide to securing Health and Safety in UK
- By:Alex G
Health and Safety - Training and Risk Assessment
When we talk about business, there are several risks involved, which take various forms. Right from the business’ inception to its death, these risks generate and spread its roots constantly. The risks we are referring to here are not only the investment risks or the raw materials procurement risks, but also the extremely dangerous heath and safety risks. Health and safety risks can cause illness and may prove to be enormously fatal, even leading to accidental deaths at work. Hence, this calls for immediate preventative measures with the help of an effective health and safety training programme as well as health and safety risk assessment.
Health and safety training contributes greatly in leading successful commercial processes. It assists in:
Ensuring a suitable work atmosphere and hygienic conditions for the workers to avoid injuries and illness.
Establishing a constructive health and safety culture, where safe working becomes a daily practice.
Meeting the employer’s obligation to provide protection to his employees, as per the law.
Hence, it is absolutely imperative to set up a defined health and training programme to ensure a secured work environment.
On the other hand, when it comes to the risks associated with health & safety, a thorough health and safety risk assessment becomes a must. The health & safety risk assessment involves a detailed study of the responsible factors that might cause damage to the people. This evaluation helps in taking trenchant precautions to curb the possible hazards.
Carrying out health and safety risk assessment must be steady and uncomplicated and should involve the employees to gather more and more useful ideas.
The health & safety risk assessment involves 6 crucial steps, namely:
Identifying the health & safety hazards.
Determining the people who might be harmed and affected.
Recognizing the reasons and risks that might harm the people.
Evaluating these risks and accordingly setting precautionary measures.
Recording the findings and executing them systematically.
Reviewing the assessment and revising it if required.
Thus, with the above mentioned approach, health and safety risk assessment can provide safe protection to not only your employees, but also to you.
Other useful techniques to combat the destructive work hazards effectively:
Manual Handling Training:
Most of the occurring injuries at work take place due to faulty manual handling, which involves the transport or the support of loads by either hands or physical force. The key point to be noticed is that these injuries can arise at every workplace; be it a factory, building site, hospital, laboratory, warehouses, and other workplaces. Hence, it is urgently essential to adopt effective manual handling training to prevent these manual handling dangers.
Manual handling Training requires careful considerations to be taken regarding the nature of work. Manual handling should be made comfortable or preferably avoided as much as possible to restrict the possibility of the arising injuries. Wherever required, establishing substitutes to manual handling like building pipes for liquid flow, using gravity to enable downward movement of the materials, etc. can play a helpful role in manual handling training.
Moreover, manual handling training needs constant technological upgradation and regular assessment so as to make necessary alterations in the training programme. This will ensure better health and safety prospects for the employer and the employees alike.
Fire Marshal Training:
Fire hazards are other treacherous risks that can occur at a workplace. For instance, problems may arise in the electrical systems or the appliances that can lead to fatal accidents. In such cases, it is vital to implement fire marshal training with no waste of time. Fire marshals or fire wardens, as known in the UK, are responsible for fire safety and evacuation. They are especially trained to combat fire and assist in fire safety processes at businesses and other organizations, with greater emphasis on the employee safety.
Fire Marshal Training involves a deep study about all the aspects related to fire, the use of fire extinguisher, and so on. It requires careful steps and a planned approach to ensure maximum safety. Furthermore, Fire Marshal Training focuses on strategies to carry out immediate measures and successful evacuation activities.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to adopt the necessary Fire Marshal Training techniques and enable a safe and healthy workplace.
To get more information, please visit our health and safety website, which deals with lots of useful related stuffs.