Has your shoulder frozen?

By:Razvan Marian Jr

Has your shoulder frozen? Does it is feel like your shoulder has locked itself in place, is stiff or hard to move? If so, you are not alone. Although the causes are not totally understood, about two in every American suffers from a disorder called “Frozen Shoulder”. The common term for a disorder called adhesive capsulitis. This disease is characterized by motionless shoulders sometimes accompanied by stiffness or pain. It occurs when the capsule surrounding the shoulder joint is contracted and thickened. The good news is this condition is fairly easy to diagnose. However, since these symptoms could also signify a rotator cuff injury, you should consult your doctor. You doctor will perform an examination of the afflicted area and possibly order testing the will offer the proper diagnosis, such as X-rays or a MRI.

People with diabetes are most at risk for frozen shoulder. Although doctors can’t find a clear-cut cause for this shoulder frozen feeling, it has been noted that there are other medical problems linked to it as well. People with such conditions as cardiac disease, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or Parkinson’s have been more prone to suffer from frozen shoulder. If you think you may have the early stages of this disorder, consulting a doctor for instruction on how to keep the shoulder mobile after injury may help you avoid this uncomfortable problem.
The pain associated with this order is usually more of a dull ache, and is not typically characterized by sharp, searing pains. However, people suffering from this disorder often report that when they to move their arm the pain intensifies and they can not move their shoulder normally.
Doctors have said that this disorder has three phases. The first phase the “shoulder frozen” has been dubbed “freezing”. This marks the beginning of the shoulder pain. Lasting anywhere from six weeks to nine months, this is the beginning of an uncomfortable problem.
Phase two of frozen shoulder is the “frozen’ stage. Although a patient may be reporting a bit of decline in pain levels, the stiffness persists and continues anywhere from four to nine months.
The last and final phase of shoulder frozen feeling is the “thawing” stage. This is a slow process, ranging between 5 months and a more than two years, this is where motion in the shoulder slowly starts to return to normal.
Although frozen shoulder is an uncomfortable and sometimes frustrating disorder that can linger for two or three years, the condition usually rectifies itself. Over time, your shoulder will heal naturally and you will get better. The most important issue when treating the discomfort is to remain comfortable until that time arrives. Doctors sometimes recommend anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen to reduce pain, physical therapy to help restore motion, or a special sleep pillow called a rotator cuff pillow to help ease the pain and discomfort while you sleep.
If you are having type of back, neck, or shoulder pain, or are in the shoulder frozen stage it is recommended that sleep on the proper bedding. You will want to choose a mattress and a pillow that provides the correct support for proper spine alignment and that is comfortable. When shoulder pain is present always consult with your doctor since this pain could be a sign of something more serious than frozen shoulder.

About the author:
D. Marie Pollack is a freelancer journalist, copywriter and editor, schooled in natural health and herbal healing. She has written numerous articles and specializes in content for various web sites. Discover an innovative way to combat shoulder pain while you sleep. Get rid of your Frozen Shoulder.