Headache Treatment Options

By:Richard Romando

A headache is the most common disorders encountered by the body. Though, an umpteen number of headache treatments are available in the market, none of it is a permanent cure. Fortunately, we have a fleeting solution, such as pain relievers and supplements that control the pain associated with headaches as and when they occur.
The available headache treatments are recommended only as a part of the patient’s wellness program, which includes proper diet, daily exercise, stress management, avoidance of bad habits and relaxation.
The treatment plan is personalized for everyone. A plan is formulated based on the personal health history, kind of headache being experiences, individual reactions to medicine and health conditions associated with headaches.
The headache treatments whether combined or taken individually should be taken under proper prescription. The routine to follow these prescribed medicines may be daily (or prophylactically) to prevent daily headaches, or you can take them once a headache episode begins (abortively).

Two Areas of Headache Treatment

As already mentioned, the treatment pattern for the headache focuses on two patterns – abortive and prophylactic therapies. Abortive treatments work by stopping a headache attack that has started. On the other hand, prophylactic (preventive) treatments work by keeping headaches from re-occurring.
In an abortive headache treatment, medicines are used once a headache is begins. A doctor should be consulted for the treatment. To kill the headache, take any pain reliever and the effect of this can be increased by combining it with an analgesic.
If the patient doesn’t respond to pain relievers and analgesic, doctors may recommend ergotamine and D.H.E. in treating migraines or headaches. While appropriate amounts of ergotamine can prevent headaches, it is associated with side effects and drug interaction. It is advisable therefore to consult a doctor and follow the prescription.
Prophylactic headache treatments can prevent headaches from the root cause of occurrence. However, such treatments are only recommended for patients who suffer from high headache frequency.
While in a prophylactic headache treatment, the doctor monitors possible side effects, drug interactions and health history. The prescribed medicines for this treatment should be started with a low dose with slight increase and should never be stopped abruptly.
The prophylactic headache treatment depend largely individual conditions. The duration and effect of the treatment may vary with every individual. A doctor should be consulted before starting the treatment. Experts recommend this therapy of not more than six months.

For More Information Please Visit Headache Treatment

About the author:
Richard Romando is an expert of giving information about Anxiety and Headache Treatment