Health Matters - Cell Gnomes
- By:Thomas Mayhew
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Perhaps you've seen them?
You know the nuts behind the wheel of an automobile. The bug-eyed bots with titillated tongues, breathlessly yielding ears and surrendering their minds to foreign waveforms.
Plain and simple, I am talking about the folks that drive while using a cell phone - a lot. Perhaps you are one of them.
Often, where I live, I take a gander at the folks driving past me. Many times three or four cell gnomes will pass before I see a human piloted vehicle. It just astounds me.
Confession: I used to be one.
That was before I "retired" and decided to slow down a bit. I have a cell phone used for emergencies only (and on rare occasion for reasons of extreme convenience).
So I am not anti-cell phone. I am just anti-cell phone abuse.
Recently, my wife related the story of the fellow that was hired by "the industry" to ascertain the safety of cell phones. Long story short: turns out they aren't safe. Bottom line: Industry offered him a cool million to hush up. He said, "thanks but no thanks". I think he may be actively sharing this information to help save lives.
There is another side to the health and safety aspect of cell phone use. That takes us back to our Cell Gnome theme.
How many lives have been needlessly taken by reckless habitual cell phone (ab)users? If the number be known, my guess is that no one would ever suggest another gun law as long as he lived. He would devote his energies to curbing cell phone abuse in automobiles.
What will you do?
Cell Gnome.
Copyright 2007 Thomas MayhewAbout the author:
Thomas Mayhew is the Webmaster for Crimson Books. Since going through a death-defying health experience (in 2005), he has taken a keen interest in sharing his health knowledge with others. You can subscribe to his blog at Health Matters Blog.