Hearing Aids: Working With Your Audiologist To Refit Moulds

By:Abida Welgon

This is a common issue that has been afflicting many users of hearing aids for some time now. The problem is basically whenever someone gets a new mould, they will experience a discomfort period until their bodies gets used to and adjusts to the contours of the moulding.

However in some cases, it isn't merely a matter of "breaking in" new moulds. Many believe that if they wear it for a while things will eventually snap into place. Though this does indeed happen in some instances, the reverse could hold true as well. Sometimes wearing molds will lead to additional soreness of your skin, peeling of the skin (resulting in dry looking skin), bleeding, and even infections.

The best bet is to speak with your Audiologist and provide as much detailed notes as you can about your issue with the hearing aids moulding. Otherwise you could find yourself revisiting the audiologist several times just to get your hearing aids to fit in properly without causing irritation.

With steady communications from both parties, this issue should be able to be resolved sooner rather than liver. In which event you can begin enjoying your life with the augmented hearing aids system in place and snug as a bug in a rug.

About the author:
The auther writes articles on different topics. To know more, visit hearing aids, exposed acne kit