Helpful Dry Skin Care Tips
- By:Adam Frazer
Is dry skin stopping you from looking your very best? Dry skin is often a consequence of neglected care. Some of the causes of dry skin include lack of sebum from oil glands can be plausible reason for dry skin, environmental factors amid others.
If you have itchy, rough, and tight feel to your skin when you touch it you may be experiencing dry skin. We all experience dry skin at some point in our lives. Here are some tips as how you can handle dry skin situations effectively.
* Excessive consumption of coffee may dehydrate your skin, making it dry.
* Drink plenty of water about 8-10 glasses of water.
* Have a proper diet containing essential nutrients.
* Avoid spending too much time under the shower
* Prefer warm water baths rather than hot water baths. Hot water tends to steal away the moisture of your body.
* Exfoliate skin once or twice a week, as it helps to open the clogged skin pores.
* Moist the skin before applying moisturizer, to lock in the essential moisture of the skin.
* Do not indulge in cleansing your face frequently, as it may take away the essential moisture present in your skin.
* Prior to going out in the sun, apply appropriate sun block which has essential moisturizing quality.
* Apply moisturizer to your skin after bath or shower. Petroleum jelly, lanolin, and mineral oil are some of the most commonly used moisturizers for dry skin care.
* Do not over moisturizing your skin, as it can clog the skin pores.
* Always use oil-based cosmetics and refrain from cosmetics which can make your skin dry.
In case, your skin condition does not improve seek medical support for treating your dry skin condition.
Especially formulated dry skin care products, like oil enriched moisturizers, cosmetics are formulated to cater to suit your skin needs. These products are beneficial for re-hydrating your skin. Ask for a medical advice prior to using these products.
About the author:
Adam Frazer writes on beauty and health. He has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for Online SkinCare Tips. To learn more about handle dry skin, Renova, dry skin care products, Benzaclin, Anti aging effort visit