Helping Children with Hyperacusis

By:Abida Welgon

Hyperacusis is defined as the unusual intolerance of a person to sounds that are just normal to people with perfect hearing. It is long accepted that the cause and treatment for hyperacusis is still very elusive even with modern science. Hyperacusis is believed to be a result of damaged sensory cells, which are located in the inner ear.

Handling the symptoms of hyperacusis in children may prove to be more difficult than it is to adults. First, to help a child deal with hyperacusis, their parents or guardians should first and foremost discover and accept that symptoms of hyperacusis do exist in their children.

It is important to observe your kids’ daily activities and how they respond to the sounds around them. One should evaluate how hyperacusis affects the life of the child. Gathering such information would help assess their condition. All people around the child should understand and empathize with the present situation in order to manage such ailment properly. Behavioral and sound desensitization can also be an option for treatment.

There are some ways which to evaluate and observe hyperacusis in children. Parents, or even the child, can create a journal where they can list specific sounds that are overly uncomfortable to their ears. Take note of the time and the place where these irritating sounds occur. Such a diary should only be kept updated for no longer than a week for the sake of the evaluation.

Upon diagnosis, doctors usually send out written information to the parents regarding the condition of their child. It is encouraged that guardians, including the people around children with hyperacusis, should always be ready to actively help out in creating ways and techniques on how to relieve the discomfort of hyperacusis in children.

If a child suffers form hyperacusis, he or she may feel misunderstood and out of place, especially in social get-togethers. It is then important that adults should show strong support to their kids during this stage. If a child is indeed diagnosed with hyperacusis, parents should never associate such condition to a mere attention deficit. Hyperacusis is a serious condition that needs special attention and medical treatment.

About the author:
The auther writes articles on different topics. To know more, visit hyperacusis, exposed face