Herbal Medicines for Bladder Infection

By:Richard Bean

A number of herbs are helpful in treating-and preventing-bladder infections. Try one of the following:

Take urva ursi (also called bearberry) capsules. Urva ursi acts as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic. Caution: Do not take this herb for more than one week or if you are pregnant.

Sip nettle tea to alleviate inflammation. To make the tea, steep 1 teaspoon of dried leaves or root in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 to IS minutes; strain and let cool. Take 1 tablespoon every hour, but no more than 1 cup (16 tablespoons) a day.

Wash the perineal area with goldenseal solution before and after intercourse to prevent recurrent infections. To make the solution, boil 2 teaspoons of the herb in 1 cup of water for IS minutes. Strain and let cool to room temperature.

Drink cranberry or blueberry juice daily to help combat and prevent infection. Both juices contain compounds that keep bacteria from adhering to bladder walls. If bacteria can't stick to the walls, they can't cause infection there. Drink warm yarrow tea at least 3 times daily to flush out the infection. To make the tea, steep 1 teaspoon of the dried herb in 1 cup of boiling water for 15 minutes; strain

Sip cool parsley tea to flush toxins from the bladder. To make the tea, steep 1 bunch of parsley in 8 cups boiling water until the water cools; strain. Drink throughout the day.

Herbal products are available in health food stores and in some pharmacies and supermarkets. Follow package for specific directions.


A homeopathic practitioner may recommend one of the following treatments, depending on your symptoms:

Cantharis-if you feel a frequent urge to urinate, along with a burning pain during urina tion

Sarsaparilla-if you have pain at the completion of urination

Berberis-for pain (during or after urinating) that seems to extend from the bladder to the urethra

Staphasagria-for pain that follows intercourse or anger

Cystitis can easily develop into a serious infection. If these remedies don't clear up the infection after a few doses, see a medical professional.


Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to help prevent cystitis, and if an infection has already started, to flush bacteria and toxins from the system. To calm bladder spasms and pain, take a sitz bath in hot water that's at least waist deep several times a day. You can add 1 cup of cider vinegar to the bath water, if desired. Hot foot baths several times a day can also help.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture Acupuncture can be used to treat all manner of bladder related ailments, including cysititis and urinary tract infections. This intervention may help with painful symptoms and may lessen the duration of an infection.

Acupuncture can also be used to tone and strengthen the bladder and kidneys which may help prevent recurrences. The practitioner may focus on the meridians and acupoints associated with these organs.

Acupressure For bladder infections, the most common sites manipulated are Bladder 60, Spleen 6, and Kidney 3 and 6 (all located on or near the ankles), along with Conception Vessel 12 and 16 on the abdomen.

The practitioner may also recommend that individuals who suffer from frequent bladder infections perform this routine on their own at least once a day, which may cut down on the fre quency and severity of recurrence.

Chinese Herbal Therapy Gentiana Formula is a bladder infection preparation available in most health food stores. Other formulas that are used to treat or prevent bladder infections are Dianthus Formula, Corydalis Formula, Ginseng and Astragalus, and Hoelen and Polyporus.

About the author:
Read out for Vitamins. Check out breastfeeding tips and herbal remedies