Hidden Dangers of Soy: Soy Product Dangers

By:web nox

If you have been hearing all about how good soy products are for you, and how much the soybean can benefit your health on so many levels, then you might be very surprised to hear that soy is not any of these things!

The truth is that soy could even be killing you and your family, and you may not even know it. Do you know what is in soy and soy protein? Did you know that if you are experiencing unusual weight gain, bloating and / or nausea, it could all be eliminated just by removing soy products from your diet?

Today’s families are consuming soy and soy products much, much more than we ever were, all throughout history. Is it just a coincidence then, that today’s families are also seeing many more cases of obesity, thyroid problems, osteoporosis, cancer and many more diseases than our ancestors?

I bought into the soy fad just like everyone else – until I went into anaphylactic shock! I discovered I was allergic to soy (deathly allergic!), and this prompted me to do some research into the subject. What I found out about soy shocked me into writing a book about it.

You may be reading this and thinking, ‘they wouldn’t have put anything on the market if it wasn’t safe – aren’t these things tested and regulated?’ Well, they are not supposed to put things in the stores that aren’t safe, but I’m afraid that they are anyway! In 1966 they did a lot of research into soy and the harmful substance in the soybean. They found that there are naturally occurring compounds within the bean that are toxic to humans and animals. Soy has even been linked with breast cancer, Down syndrome and brain damage in infants!

I guess the food manufacturers did not care about the research that was done in 1966. The soy industry makes $70 billion per year today, and whenever we buy soy and soy products we are giving them more reasons not to care!

By now you may be wondering why I keep referring to soy products; did you know that due to advances in food technology, they are now isolating soy proteins, isoflavones and other substances found in the soy bean and adding them to foods where soy does not occur naturally? The stunning truth is that almost all processed and manufactured foods today have some form of soy in them.

This is a highly disturbing fact, especially because soy actually takes away the nutrients in other foods, not allowing the body to benefit from them.

There are many claims made about soy by the soy industry. We have all heard how soy will reverse your child’s obesity, how soy contains less calories and fat, how soy will prevent cancer, and the list goes on. However, there are many hidden dangers with soy products. Keep your family safe from soy protein danger. Do not feed your children soy products. Do not give your baby soy infant formula. Remember to research claims and “health products” before serving them to your family.

Dangers of Soy
More Articles:
Soy Health Risks

About the author:
Dianne Gregg, http://www.hiddensoy.com, Email: hiddensoy@gmail.com, Address: 656 Channing Drive NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, Contacts: Dianne Gregg Tel: 404-352-8455, Dianne Gregg, author of "The Hidden Dangers of Soy" was driven to write this book after developing a severe allergy to soy.