Hirsutism Treatment Information

By:Juliet Cohen

Hirsutism is the term used when a woman grows too many body or facial hair in a pattern that occur normally seen only in men. It usually begins around puberty, but mild hirsuitism can begin at any age. Hirsuitism is almost always the result of the excessive androgen effects on hair follicles. This could be due to include the use of male hormones and medicines with androgenic effects. Androgens produce ovarian tumours. Hirsuitism changing rapidly and if left untreated, it leads to masculinization (loss of hair, voice changes and body of a man of habits). Sickness polycystic ovary women suffering from this are obese, hirsute and irregular.

The reason is that women in this condition stop ovulation, it is often referred to as the syndrome anovulation. Cushings syndrome is a consequence of excess production corticisteroids in the adrenal gland. Some medicines can cause hirsutism. These medicines include birth control pills, hormones and anabolic steroids. Some of these corticosteroids are androgens and thus stimulate the growth of hair. Hirsutism also seems to run in families. Hirsutism is common and is estimated to occur in 1 in 20 women of reproductive age in the US. Woman with the mildest form of hirsutism may notice a strong growth of hair.

It is mature (the same color as the scalp) on the upper lip, chin, sideburn area around the lower part of the abdomen or nipples. Many women with unwanted hair seek methods of hair removal to control the appearance of hirsutism. Other ways to eliminate or hide excess facial and body hair include shaving. Shaving is the safest and easiest method of removing hair. However, you will have stubble unless you shave every day. Your skin may become irritated with frequent shaving. If your skin becomes irritated, apply a small amount of 1% hydrocortisone cream.Depilatories, or creams that remove hair, can be used.

They leave no stubble. However, these creams can irritate skin. A thick layer is applied for 15-30 minutes at the hairy area and the hair dry and falls off with the cream. Depilatory creams can irritate and cause dermatitis. Whitening paste may also be used. Use this product as directed on the label. Whitening products can irritate your skin. Electrolysis to rid hair by delivering a small electrical current through a needle placed in the hair follicle. Electrolysis is expensive and time-consuming. If you opt for electrolysis, make sure the driver is qualified and licensed. Electronic tweezers don't work well.

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