Home Remedy For Hair Loss

By:Paul Headen

Worried that you hair has been falling a lot lately? Well there are a lot of people facing the same problem, so you are not alone. Some of the most common reasons for hair fall are bad diet, tension and stress as well as sickness.

Here are some tips that you can try out at home to prevent or reduce hair fall.

Hair Care:

Ensure that your scalp and hair is clean by regular shampooing and conditioning with mild products. Natural shampoos such as paste of black gram powder and juice of ripe soap nut can be used as these have no side effects and also have anti- dandruff properties.

Hair Oils:

Massaging certain oils onto the scalp such as almond oil, castor oil and coconut oil are known to promote hair growth to a large extent. After massaging the oil, it is a good idea to wrap the head with a warm towel so that the oil gets absorbed easily.Other Home Remedies A paste of fenugreek seeds applied on the scalp for 40 minutes, couple of times a week reduces hair fall. Egg yolk is also highly nourishing for the hair and can be used regularly to have healthy and lustrous hair. A good conditioner, which can be easily made at home, is a combination of eggs, honey and olive oil. Another conditioner known to work wonders is a mixture of egg, castor oil, vinegar and glycerine beaten and applied on the hair.

Eating Right:

Finally and most importantly, a balanced diet, which is high in protein, fruits and green vegetables, is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Drinking plenty of water is also highly crucial. Protein can be found in dairy products and meat such as chicken and fish. Since iron deficiencies such as anemia can also cause hair loss, it is important that you eat food, which is rich in iron content such as Spinach. Taking 100mg of vitamin B6 daily also reduces the amount of hair fall and promotes thickness and color.
So try some of these and see what works best for your kind of hair.

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