How Getting Stuck In Time Damages Your Health

By:Laurence Magne

"Why does this always keep happening to me? Why me?" How many times have you asked yourself this? It is a common question? So, how is it that we come to be stuck in time, with history repeating itself, and the same sort of thing "always happening to me"?
Simple. Follow this cycle...
Whatever you give your attention to, you create (that is why positive thinking works – and it is why negative thinking causes trouble for you).
Your attention, when not under the direction of Your Will, always follows past conditioning (belief patterns) and your perception of your environment. It is like a wild monkey, jumping from this to that, in your mind, seemingly out of control.
Your environment arises from your state of being and your thoughts. It is literally a mirror reflecting your past thoughts and states. How else do you suppose you got where you are now?
Your state of being and your thoughts arise depending on what state and what thought you placed your attention on.
Your past conditioning (beliefs) are created and strengthened by whatever conclusion you chose to make about yourself in relation to an experience you created. At every experience you will find the freedom to choose whether you will view yourself as a victim or victor. Experiences you create come about because you have given attention to the idea of that experience.
And the cycle starts again, using different forms but the same essence...
Whatever you give your attention to, you create.
Your attention, when not under the direction of Your Will, always follows past conditioning and your perception of your environment. Your environment arises from your state of being and your thoughts.
Your state of being and your thoughts arise depending on what state and what thought you place your attention on. Your past conditioning (beliefs) are created and strengthened by whatever conclusion you chose to make about yourself and an experience you created. Experiences you create come about because you have given attention to the idea of that experience.
And the cycle starts again, using different forms but the same essence...
You choose to bring your attention back to the direction of Your Will. Once your attention is at the direction of your Will, you can deliberately choose what thought and what emotion you will have, at every moment. The last time most people had their attention under the direction of their Will was as a little child. Before the unwitting training in disruption of attention started (“Jack! Put that down!” or “Jane! What were you thinking!”), you had your attention completely at your will. Your mind did not hop around in a buzz of unordered activity all day, seemingly out of your control.
Once you have your attention fully under the direction of your Will, you can choose the thought and emotion you wish to have next, and nothing outside of you can disturb your peace or change your course. You stop reacting and start creating. And the only way to get attention under the will is to practice presence, being present in the Now Here moment. Once you see that the metal noise is the cause of the problem and not the solution (as you previously may have thought, and that is why you started to use it in the first place), you then can choose to practice being aware of it and not letting it run on. It is useless, so why have it? You can choose to practice having your attention Here and Now, always and in all ways. It gets easier each day with practice. At first it is like turning a train around 180 degrees – it takes effort – but once you get going in the right direction, the train’s momentum itself helps you and keeps you from turning back, and it becomes effortless! And finally, you experience a whole new world of your liking!
In the Science of Being Well Home Study Course, you will find many examples and stories to help you develop your own powers of healing using simply the power of your mind. This is not revolutionary. These secrets have been around for ages. To learn more, claim your FREE report of the First Secret to Abundant Health on today!!

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1030 Denman Street, Vancouver, BC, v6g2m6, Canada,