How to Choose the Most Effective Ringworm Cures

By:groshan fabiola

Ringworm or tinea is a common affection of the skin, scalp and nails. The disease is very contagious and it is common in people of all ages. Ringworm is caused by infection with fungal organisms called dermatophytes. This species of fungi can be found virtually anywhere in nature and it commonly infects furry animals such as cats and dogs. Although many animals are not visibly affected by the disease, they are carriers for the fungal organisms and they can easily transmit the disease to humans.

The fungal spores (arthrospores) can be easily contracted through physical contact with contaminated objects. Ringworm is very common in overcrowded places, such as hospitals and nursing homes, where the disease can be easily transmitted from one person to another. The elderly and people with weak immune system are very exposed to developing ringworm, due to their increased susceptibility to infections.

Considering the fact that the fungal organisms responsible for causing ringworm are widespread and can’t be avoided, the only effective means of preventing the infection is proper hygiene. Good personal hygiene can prevent the development of the disease and in some cases it can even get rid of the fungal elements in the initial stages of the infection.

Ringworm can affect different body regions, such as the feet, crotch, back, chest, arms, hands, face and scalp. The disease can also affect the nails, in which case the infection is more difficult to overcome. When ringworm affects the skin, its generated symptoms are rash, inflammation and itch. The skin begins to exfoliate and it can become crusty.

Without medical treatment, ringworm can aggravate rapidly and the skin lesions also become vulnerable to bacterial infections. There are various ringworm cures available in pharmacies and many of them don’t require medical prescription. Ringworm cures can be found under the form of oral tablets and pills or under the form of creams, gels and lotions. Although all ringworm cures contain antifungal materials, very few are actually effective against the infectious fungal organisms responsible for causing the disease. It is advised to look for fungicidal ringworm cures, as they are the best means of killing the infectious fungi.

Most fungicidal ringworm cures are well tolerated by the skin and they can completely clear the fungal infection within 2 weeks of treatment. Be careful, as some ringworm cures may actually amplify the symptoms of the disease in the first days of treatment. However, the symptoms will ameliorate after 2-3 days and they will completely disappear within the first week of treatment. Keep in mind that in order to completely overcome the infection, the ringworm cures need to be administered for another 10 days after the symptoms have disappeared.

The most common ringworm cures are: Lamisil, Diflucan, Sporanox and Griseofulvin. While Griseofulvin is a ringworm cure that can be released only with medical prescription, Lamisil, Diflucan and Sporanox don’t require a recommendation from your doctor. All these ringworm cures are available in pharmacies both under the form of oral tablets or gels, creams and even sprays. In order to potentate the action of the ringworm cures, the topical creams or gels need to be applied on clean, dry skin. For ringworm of the scalp, ketoconazole-containing ringworm cures are very effective. Nizoral shampoo contains strong antifungal agents and it can be successfully used in overcoming fungal infections of the scalp.

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So, if you want to find out more about cure for ringworm or even about ringworm treatment, please click this website