How to Deal with Arm Tendonitis

By:Steve Madigan

There are people who have pain that could be from there shoulder to there wrist. Sometimes they can end up with tendonitis in forearm. They may have injured there arm picking up a heavy object or it could have happened slowly over time. What arm tendonitis is stress to the tendons in the shoulder or the arm area. What happens with tendonitis in the arm is the tendons become sore and inflamed and it is hard to do the day to day activities. Being that the arms and forearms are used every day, people with arm tendinitis heal slowly.

Most people that begin an exercise program tend to over do it the first time. They forget that because of the lack of exercise the tendons and muscles in the arms and forearms have stiffened over time. Without proper stretching prior to beginning there exercise program, arm tendonitis may result. Arm tendonitis symptoms can be stiffness, pain and swelling after exercise. You may also have pain at night when trying to lie on your side.

Increase Muscle Strength to Prevent Arm Tendonitis

What happens when the arm is swollen and painful, if you continue to use it this will only make the condition worse. What you need to do is get with a personal therapist or a coach and have them help you set up a program to strengthen the muscles and tendons over time. Increasing the arm strength will prevent tendonitis in the arm.

What to do for the Pain

A home remedy for tendinitis is ice and pain relievers which will help with the pain in the short term. How to treat tendonitis on the longer term goal is to increase the arm strength. If you are experiencing a lot of swelling and pain, you may want to try a anti-inflammatory drug to reduce the swelling. Once you have the swelling going down the pain is sure to follow.

Arm tendonitis seems to happen over and over again. Prevention of arm tendonitis is the right choice. Exercise will start to prevent tendonitis in the arm. You must stretch and warm up prior to any exercise. Begin your training session slowly to give the tendons and muscles time to adjust.

When you feel the arm starting to become tired, give it a rest. You don’t want to push the training to much to fast. If you have injured the arm, give the tendons time to heal. You may want to consider wearing a sling to hold the arm up and immobilize it.

Surgery and Arm Tendonitis

If the tendons rupture or get severely damaged surgery may be necessary. What is required is just a small incision and the doctor can make the repairs to the tendon. After the surgery and some recovery time, you can start rehab for the arm tendonitis. It may take some time, but doing it right you will have full use and mobility of the arm again.

The long term goal is prevention. To avoid actions that might cause the arm tendonitis to flare up again.

For more information on tendonitis visit:

About the author:
Have had many articles published on a variety of subjects. Co author of the best selling golf ebook called "Putt Lights Out". You can find this ebook at For more information on arm tendonitis or other tendonitis symptoms visit