How to Treat Head Lice In Children

By:Meredith Palmer

The tiny parasites that reside on our scalps and lead to a great deal of itchiness are called head lice. They live on the blood they manage to suck from our heads. It is due to this that head lice that are without human hosts do not live long. A female louse normally produces one hundred eggs or an equivalent of six eggs every day. After eight days, a larval louse is hatched from its egg and reaches adulthood about two weeks after hatching. On the average, an infested person may only have a dozen living lice but hundreds of hatched eggs on his head.

Hair lice are able to survive no matter the hair type or length. But children, especially girls three to twelve years old, are the most likely to have hair lice. It is a wrong impression that head lice is linked only with dirty hair as these critters are quite happy living in clean hair too.

Chemical Treatments' Potential Side Effects

Some doctors might tell you to take a shot at those anti-louse shampoos and lotions and other medications available in the stores. But know that some of these products contain toxic compounds (like lindane, pyrethrum, permethrin) that may do more harm than good if not use the right way. As an endocrine disrupter, lindane, for instance, is suspected of causing reproductive tract problems, sperm count imbalance, learning and behavioral problems, and even cancer. Meanwhile, pyrethrum and permethrin have shown evidence of being probable contributors to dysfunctions in children's neurological functions. Thus, chemical medications are not always the best; and some of them might even become immune to medications over time.

Natural Head Lice Remedies

There are natural remedies for head lice that you can choose over chemical treatments. These solutions are not just effectiv, but safe, too. Head lice may be immobilized by lubricating the hair and scalp with essential oils like almond, olive and sunflower. You can then use a special comb like the Nitmix Ultra Fine toothed comb to get rid of the nits and lice.

Notes On Head Lice

The fact is, head lice can be handled without much trouble at all. They are scalp parasites that can be driven out through easy to do and safe ways. And since these products are accessible, you shouldn't expose yourself or your kids to them anymore.

About the author:
NITMIX is a UK based health care company specialising in treating and preventing head lice in children. Your choice of head lice remedy can be naturally, pleasant and effective yet avoid any poisons or pesticides thereby ensuring your child's health and welfare. Treating head lice is easy with the right remedy and so is preventing their return.