How to manage panic anxiety disorder


As our life style becomes more complex, our mind and body also experience new types of disorder.

Panic anxiety disorder is becoming more common in our daily lives. Seeking treatment at its initial stage may avoid complications and that may affect other vital organs in our body. What actually spark off this panic anxiety disorder? Usually fear, anger, worry, grief are some of the causes. This form of panic anxiety disorder usually leads to headache, migraine, high blood pressure, poor vision, gastric, nervous break down and array of other sickness.

When you are affected by panic anxiety, you will likely to feel depressed over the smallest issue. You will also likely to get upset and experience pain in your stomach which will eventually lead to acute and chronic gastritis. Some others may experience ‘cold sweat’ from their forehead, hands and feet, dryness in their throat and breathlessness.

For many of us with headache and migraine disorders, we will normally also have problems of poor memory. The brain is connected to the nervous system and carry impulses back and forth between the brain and other parts of the body. The body may feel emotionally tense and twitching of body nerves similar to twitching of the eye lids.

Sufferers of panic anxiety disorder may also feel numbness of the fingers, palm and foot, hot flashes and chills. Many don’t take these sign and symptoms seriously and treat them as minor problems and resort to drinking as a means of drowning themselves out off it, not realizing they are aggravating it further and shortening their life span.

Do you want to learn more about how I manage it? I have just completed my best compilation of all that is written about panic anxiety there are on the internet, and you may read more about them at Anxiety Management Books Collections

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Visit CC Ang, 85 at Health Guides Review