Human Hair Extensions Create Beautiful Long Hair Styles Instantly
- By:Elbert Burnett
As you glance across virtually every print medium such as newspapers, magazines and catalogs, there seems to be one thing in common as far as hair cut styles is concerned. The long hair cut style is everywhere. So what are you supposed to do if you don’t have long hair and you really want the long hair cut style? Well, let’s see, human hair grows about ½” per month, so if your hair is at ear level, that would be almost two years to wait for that ‘hair cascading down your back’ look. And of course by the time you grow your hair out, the short hair cut style will be in.
“Don’t limit yourself to just adding length to your hair. Hair extensions offer a simple solution to fine hair and can add a little pizzazz to thick, curly or wavy hair in any color or style.”
Rod Sickler
Images by Rod & Company
Rantoul, Illinois
In today’s society, two-year waits are OUT and immediate results are IN. The beauty industry recognized the demand for instant long natural looking hair and thus today’s hottest trend was born—Human Hair Extensions. Hair extensions are not only for lengthening your hair, according to Rod Sickler, owner of Images by Rod & Company and Sexy Hair Concepts Artistic Team Member.
“Any hair type can support hair extensions”, says Sickler. Sickler makes hair extensions easy by creating cutting-edge hair styles for his clients. Some examples include sleek and straight hair, vivacious ringlets and striking color enhancements with the use of different highlighted and lowlighted hair extensions. He describes the hair extension process as very painstaking and challenging as it requires many hours and various techniques to complete. The rewards are many as he is able to re-invent hair, tweak techniques and fulfill his clients’ needs.
One of Sicklers’ hair extension clients, Holly Leach of Rantoul, Illinois, says she wanted to get hair extensions because she was ready for a change and wanted Sickler to re-invent her look by adding thickness and length to her thinning hair with European Hair Extensions. She was absolutely amazed at the results. “I came into the salon (Images by Rod & Company) looking one way, and came out looking totally different”, says, Leach. Leach has had her hair extensions for about 5 months now, with absolutely no issues and no complaints. She maintains the hair extensions with non-soy based conditioning shampoo and moisturizers from Sexy Hair Concepts, and uses hair dryers and curling irons with no problems. Leach concludes,”Hair Extensions are worth the time and money, when you can get fabulous-looking long hair instantly”.
"Hair extensions are a huge self-esteem booster because they give women the opportunity to get the long hair style look without the wait" Guinevere Werr
Manager, The Spa East Bank Club, Chicago, Ill
Some women are concerned or have heard that hair extensions can cause damage to their natural hair, or even loss of hair. Guinevere Werr, Manager of The Spa at the East Bank Club in Chicago, Ill, says the fusion application method Sickler uses from So.Cap., an Italian company, does not create any damage to the natural hair since it is applied ¼” from the scalp and not directly on the scalp. Werr assisted Sickler with applying brown hair extensions with some highlight extensions to her sisters’ hair. She adds that Sicklers hair extension clients have lost almost no hair extensions and have had very little maintenance issues.
So where do you start if you are thinking of getting hair extensions? You must research the different types of hair used for hair extensions, the different types of attachment methods, the hair stylists’ education and training, any maintenance schedules and of course the cost.
There are a lot of different types of hair that are used for hair extensions. There is human hair and synthetic hair. Synthetic hair is used to add the high fashion colors, such as pinks and blues. Generally speaking, if you are going for the natural, it grew out of my head, look you should go with human hair. Human hair comes in many different textures and grades. The human hair must be strong and healthy to produce extensions that will last and wear without tangling or drying. European human hair is well- known as quality human hair used for extensions.
There are three basic techniques to attach the hair. They are fusion or strand by strand, weaving and bonding. There are many variations to these techniques and they are sometimes called by different names.
Fusion/strand by strand: This process is done strand by strand in small sections using heated adhesive sticks or glue specifically made for hair extensions. Extension hair is added directly to your own hair. Sickler uses the fusion method from the Italian company So.Cap. Hair is attached about ¼ “from your scalp and looks totally natural. Sickler comments, “No one can visually see that you have hair extensions. It’s up to you if you want everyone to know”.